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Summary of Breast Augmentation Repair Hospitals in South Korea, All are Famous Breast Augmentation Hospitals

2023-11-09 18:57:30

Which hospital is good for breast augmentation repair after failure in South Korea? Here is a list of reputable breast augmentation repair hospitals and doctors in South Korea for your reference. It is said that all of them are famous breast augmentation hospitals in South Korea.

 breast augmentation repair

Mine Plastic Surgery Hospital in South Korea

Recommended Doctor: Dr. Lee Seong Uk

Mine Plastic Surgery is highly skilled in breast augmentation in South Korea. The hospital is well known for its Drypocket endoscopic breast augmentation technique. The surgery uses Magic Drop implants. The breast augmentation results are natural, and there is no need for drainage tubes, suture removal, or hospitalization.

These factors prove the skillfulness of Dr. Lee Seong Uk's breast augmentation technique. The touch, shape, and prevention of capsule contracture can all be achieved in one step. Dr. Lee Seong Uk is not only good at breast augmentation repair but also excels in difficult cases such as capsule contracture removal and removal of foreign substances like Alloderm.

Additionally, the breast augmentation repair surgery done by Dr. Lee Seong Uk does not leave any scars as the incisions are made in the original axillary incision. The feedback from before and after breast augmentation repair images proves the excellence of Mine Plastic Surgery's breast augmentation technique.

breast augmentation

Wonjin Plastic Surgery in South Korea

Recommended Doctor: Dr. Park Won Chul

Dr. Park Won Chul is a famous breast augmentation doctor in South Korea. He is highly skilled in breast augmentation repair techniques. He formulates customized surgical plans for different types of breast augmentation failures, including problems with breast implants or the removal of foreign substances such as Alloderm and autologous fat grafting failures. He also specializes in breast reconstruction.

Dr. Park Won Chul has accumulated feedback from tens of thousands of breast augmentation cases. For regular breast implant hardening problems, Dr. Park Won Chul opens the original incision, removes the implant, performs capsule removal surgery, and then reinstalls a new implant in a proper pocket after meticulous separation according to his rich experience.

Wonjin Plastic Surgery

MD Plastic Surgery Hospital in South Korea

Recommended Doctor: Dr. Lee Sang Taek

MD Plastic Surgery is a renowned specialized breast augmentation hospital in South Korea. The hospital has an advanced preoperative testing system that accurately assesses the complete information and health condition of each patient's breasts. The hospital has a dedicated breast management room, providing one-on-one management, prediction, and support for a safer experience. 

Dr. Lee Sang Taek, an experienced breast augmentation doctor at MD Plastic Surgery, excels in various breast augmentation repair surgeries, including breast reduction, breast ptosis correction, and breast reconstruction. Dr. Lee Sang Taek has high standards for himself and continuously studies and improves his breast augmentation techniques to provide customers with more natural breast results.

TL Plastic Surgery Hospital in South Korea

Recommended Doctor: Dr. Im Jong Bum

TL Plastic Surgery Hospital provides professional breast augmentation repair services. They have experienced doctors and advanced equipment to effectively handle and repair problems caused by breast augmentation surgery.

ID Plastic Surgery in South Korea

ID Plastic Surgery Hospital is also a reliable option for breast augmentation repair. Their doctors and team have unique insights and experience in breast augmentation surgery and its repair.

ID Plastic Surgery in South Korea

GRAND Plastic Surgery

Recommended Doctor: Dr. Ryu Sang Uk

GRAND Plastic Surgery performs breast augmentation repair surgery with personalized "cleavage repair breast augmentation surgery" based on the customer's individual needs, increasing the satisfaction of repair surgeries.

iWELL Plastic Surgery Hospital in South Korea

iWELL Plastic Surgery Hospital ensures surgical precision with natural droplet-shaped curves and tremors, using HD endoscopic equipment. Their autologous fat grafting provides natural results.

Cinderelly Plastic Surgery Hospital in South Korea

Cinderelly Plastic Surgery Hospital is committed to repairing failed breast augmentation surgeries. They provide personalized treatment plans for each patient and utilize the latest techniques to achieve the best repair results.

Jewelry Plastic Surgery Hospital in South Korea

As a professional plastic surgery hospital, Jewelry Plastic Surgery Hospital also offers breast augmentation repair services. Their doctors and team develop customized repair plans based on each patient's specific situation to help them regain their desired breast shape and appearance.

Regen Plastic Surgery in South Korea

Regen Plastic Surgery Hospital is also one of the professional hospitals specializing in breast augmentation repair. They have advanced technology and equipment, and collaborate with experienced doctors to provide safe and effective repair solutions for patients.

Plastic Surgery Hospital

In addition, hospitals such as DA Plastic Surgery Hospital and Profile Plastic Surgery Hospital in South Korea also excel in breast augmentation.