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Has Anyone had Facial Contouring Surgery in Korea? The Korean 3-piece Contouring Package Seems Affordable and Effective

2023-11-27 11:42:26

Has anyone had facial contouring surgery in Korea? Is Korean facial contouring surgery really good? In this article, I would like to share my real experience of undergoing the three-piece contouring surgery in Korea, as well as the before and after comparison photos and the cost of the procedure, for your reference.

Honestly, facial contouring surgery in Korea is truly impressive. It has been three years since I had the surgery, and my face has not sagged. Moreover, the price for the Korean three-piece contouring package is not too expensive.

My Experience of Undergoing the 3-piece Contouring Surgery in Korea:

My real experience of undergoing the three-piece contouring surgery in Korea

1. Pre-operative issues: High cheekbones, wide jaw, and a slightly crooked chin. My face appeared square, wide, and large, giving a dull and unfeminine impression.

2. Personal desires: A delicate small face with a youthful look.

After deciding to undergo facial contouring surgery, I was hesitant about having it done in Korea. But after comparing the surgical techniques, styles, reputation, and seeing many real-life examples of the procedure, I ultimately decided to have facial contouring surgery in Korea.

3. Surgical procedure: Cheekbone reduction + mandible angle osteotomy + T-shaped chin osteotomy as part of the three-piece contouring surgery.

4. Price of the Korean three-piece contouring surgery: Over 14,000 USD (approximately).

5. Post-operative changes: Comparison photos before and after the Korean three-piece contouring surgery▼

Comparison photos before and after the Korean three-piece contouring surgery▼

After undergoing the three-piece contouring surgery in Korea, my face indeed became smaller, and many people around me have commented on it. My chin has also been improved as desired. It has been three years since the surgery, and I have not experienced any discomfort in my face. It has not sagged, and I am extremely satisfied!

Here, I would like to give a thumbs up to the Korean three-piece contouring surgery technique!!

Advantages of Korean 3-piece contouring surgery: Scarless, no sagging, and fast recovery.

1. No visible scars: 

The incisions for the Korean three-piece contouring surgery are made inside the mouth, with incisions of only about 3 cm. There are no external scars on the face after the surgery, and the incisions inside the mouth heal faster.

2. No sagging after surgery: 

In Korean contouring surgery, bone removal surgery is generally not recommended. Instead, the cheekbone is separated from the skin and pushed backward to the required degree, retaining the customer's bone structure. Then, both sides of the surgical site are fixed, ensuring that there is no separation or bone gap. As a result, there are no residual effects of sagging.

3. Short surgery time: 

The Korean contouring surgery can be completed in just over two hours. In Korea, there are many doctors specializing in contouring surgery who have extensive experience with many real-life examples, which enables them to conduct the procedure accurately, quickly, and efficiently.

Considering that I paid over 14,000 USD for the Korean three-piece contouring surgery, it is indeed much cheaper compared to the cost of domestic facial bone grinding three-piece contouring surgery. 

To facilitate your selection, I will now list the hospitals in Korea that are known for performing excellent contouring surgeries.

List of hospitals in Korea known for performing excellent contouring surgeries:

1. Faceline Plastic Surgery

Specializing in contouring surgery: Dr. Lee Jin-soo

2. 1% Plastic Surgery

Excellent contouring surgery performed by Dr. Lim Jong-won

3. ID Hospital

Specializing in contouring plastic surgery: Dr. Park Sang-hoon

4. DA Plastic Surgery

Dr. Lee Sang-u, known for excellent facial contouring techniques

5. VG Plastic Surgery

Excellent three-piece contouring surgery performed by Dr. Lim Young-min

6. OPERA Plastic Surgery

Specializing in contouring plastic surgery: Dr. Park Yeon-sheob

Has anyone had facial contouring surgery in Korea? The above sharing is my real experience with the three-piece contouring surgery in Korea. I feel that the cost of the Korean three-piece contouring package is reasonable, and the results are excellent. It is worth relying on.