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How is Mini Facelift in Korea? Top 3 Ranked Hospitals with Good Reputation and Technical References on Mini Facelift

2023-11-27 14:34:18

Even in facelift surgeries, there are various methods to address facial sagging, including full facelift, mini facelift, and mini-mini facelift. This article introduces the top three ranked hospitals for mini facelift surgeries in South Korea, such as Wonjin Plastic Surgery, BK Plastic Surgery, and Faceline Plastic Surgery, and informs readers about how mini facelift in South Korea is performed – it's quite good.

Now let's talk about how mini facelift in South Korea is. 

It can be said that mini facelift surgeries in South Korea are quite good. The incisions are minimal, leaving no prominent scars after recovery. The procedure also minimizes nerve damage and provides a natural lift. It is effective in improving unclear facial contours, nasolabial folds, and other issues.

how mini facelift in South Korea is

Next, let's explore the techniques used by the top three ranked hospitals for mini facelift in South Korea.

South Korea offers some reputable hospitals for mini facelift surgeries, and the following are a few of them.

Rank 1: Wonjin Plastic Surgery

- Address: 1306-6 PAGODA TOWER, Rui Cao Dong, Seoul, South Korea

- Advantages of mini facelift technique: Wonjin Plastic Surgery is a well-established and large-scale hospital in South Korea. It boasts a strong team of doctors, advanced equipment, and satisfactory services. The hospital's reputation is good for not only mini facelift, but also full facelift, forehead lift surgeries, etc. Key technical points include personalized design, discreet incisions along the hairline, layer-by-layer suturing, and minimal visible scars.

- Recommended doctors for mini facelift at Wonjin Plastic Surgery: Kim Youngin, Ryu Yongshan, and Lee Heezai.

Wonjin Plastic Surgery

Rank 2: BK Plastic Surgery

- Address: 106 Doosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea

- Advantages of mini facelift technique: BK Plastic Surgery is another outstanding hospital in South Korea for facelift surgeries. The hospital offers various procedures including mini-mini facelift, temple lift, neck lift, and forehead lift. The mini facelift technique at BK Plastic Surgery achieves simultaneous improvement of skin and SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system), with posterior lifting to correct drooping fat. It may be combined with upper eyelid surgery for comprehensive improvement, and the results can last relatively longer.

- Recommended doctors for mini facelift at BK Plastic Surgery: Geum Inseon and Choi Jaiui.

BK Plastic Surgery

Rank 3: Faceline Plastic Surgery

- Address: 591-16 JC Building, Sin Sa Dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea

- Highlights of mini facelift technique: Faceline Plastic Surgery specializes in full facelift, mini facelift, contouring, and double eyelid surgery. The mini facelift technique involves small incisions around the ears or in front of the ears. Without damaging the neural tissue, the surgeon carefully dissects and lifts the sagging subdermal tissue to achieve elevation without bone manipulation. V-line results can also be expected.

- Recommended doctors for mini facelift at Faceline Plastic Surgery: Lee Taehee.

Faceline Plastic Surgery

Based on the information provided on the top three ranked hospitals for mini facelift in South Korea, it is safe to say that mini facelift in South Korea is quite good. Other than Wonjin Plastic Surgery, BK Plastic Surgery, and Faceline Plastic Surgery, there are also other hospitals like THE Plastic Surgery in South Korea that offer excellent mini facelift techniques. However, they are not discussed in detail here.