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Dr. Weihengkun from Will Plastic Surgery Introduces Different Nose Augmentation Methods and Discusses their Reliability

2023-11-29 14:46:20

Customer: How should I choose for my first nose augmentation?

Dr. Weihengkun: Silicone, balloon, and cartilage nose augmentation are all surgical methods. Currently, there are numerous options for nose reshaping surgeries, but based on the surgical methods, they can be divided into three main categories:

L-shaped Implant Nose Augmentation: 

L-shaped implant nose augmentation

In this method, the nose bridge, nose dorsum, and even the nasal tip are supported solely by the implant. However, our nasal tip is relatively soft and lacks support. Relying solely on the L-shaped implant cannot provide the necessary support and cannot change the shape of the nasal tip. For individuals with a low and fleshy nose, there may be two possible results: 1) it may appear fake, and 2) the skin of the nasal tip may be torn.

L-shaped Implant with Ear Cartilage Nose Augmentation: 

L-shaped implant with ear cartilage nose augmentation

This method is an improved version of the previous one. In addition to the L-shaped implant, a piece of ear cartilage is added to increase the thickness of the skin and prevent the implant from easily tearing through the skin of the nasal tip. Although this method has its effects, it only delays the occurrence of side effects caused by the L-shaped implant; eventually, the nose will still collapse.

Customer: What should I do then? None of these methods seem suitable.

Dr. Weihengkun: Don't be disappointed too soon! In fact, with the continuous advancement of medical aesthetics, these two surgical methods have been gradually phased out. Now, let me tell you about the third method that can save you.

Comprehensive Nose Reshaping: 

Comprehensive nose reshaping

Comprehensive nose reshaping can be divided into three parts: Firstly, an olive-shaped implant is placed from the nasal bridge to the dorsum. Secondly, nasal septal cartilage is used as support for the nasal tip. Lastly, a piece of ear or rib cartilage is taken and used to shape the nasal tip.

Customer: Among these nose augmentation methods, is the third one more reliable?

Dr. Weihengkun: Yes, relatively speaking, the third method is the most reliable among these three nose augmentation methods. However, due to the individual differences in each customer's physical conditions, the most reliable surgical method may vary. Therefore, consultation is crucial, as the doctor will design a more suitable and reliable surgical plan based on the customer's nasal features. 

Let's Take a Look at a Case of Nose Augmentation by Dr. Weihengkun from Will Plastic Surgery:

nose augmentation

Many customers opt for plastic surgery to improve their unsatisfactory noses, and most cases require comprehensive nose reshaping. It must be said that the customers who have undergone improvement procedures have become more elegant and beautiful. Furthermore, their noses also appear more natural, without any appearance of being fake.