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How is the Nose Job Done by Dr. Kang Wonjin at Wonjin Plastic Surgery? Good Results and Diverse Styles of Rhinoplasty

2023-12-04 15:06:49

A beautiful face depends on a well-shaped nose, and choosing a good doctor is essential for achieving an attractive result. How is the nose job done by Dr. Kang Wonjin at Wonjin Plastic Surgery? Well, you've come to the right person. He excels in rhinoplasty with great results and offers diverse styles.

How is the Nose Job Done by Dr. Kang Wonjin at Wonjin Plastic Surgery?

Dr. Kang Wonjin at Wonjin Plastic Surgery does an excellent job, especially in rhinoplasty, with great results and diverse styles. 

Dr. Kang Wonjin

Dr. Kang Wonjin has been practicing for many years and is a plastic surgeon at Shuntianxiang University Hospital, a clinical instructor at Shuntianxiang University Hospital, and a former director of the Spring Plastic Surgery Hospital. 

He is currently practicing at Wonjin Plastic Surgery, and many customers still seek him out for nose jobs. 

Dr. Kang Wonjin has a unique approach to nose jobs, which involves a comprehensive analysis of the forehead, nose, mouth, and chin from the front. Based on each person's characteristics and desired style, he adjusts the forehead, nasal base, and chin to create a 3D-shaped nose. This approach also enhances the face's refinement and offers diverse styles, whether it's natural or glamorous. 

nose augmentation surgery

In addition, there are two methods for nose augmentation surgery: closed and open approaches. 

two methods for nose augmentation surgery

The closed approach involves incisions on the inside of the nasal wings and has the advantage of hiding scars. However, it is challenging to handle the inner tissues, so it is essential to find a surgeon with extensive experience. 

The open approach is suitable for challenging cases such as short noses, arrow-like noses, and bulbous noses. It allows for observation of the nasal internal structures and safe surgery. The incision is made in the less visible columella, which can be covered with makeup. The red scar gradually disappears after approximately three months, so there is no need to worry. 

Dr. Kang Wonjin at Wonjin Plastic Surgery excels in rhinoplasty, with meticulous consultations, concealed incisions, and excellent postoperative swelling management. 

Based on the recovery time provided by Wonjin Plastic Surgery, if the surgery is performed on a Friday, the patient can wash their hair on Sunday. The patient will receive one swelling reduction session on the following Monday and can resume daily activities by the next Sunday, including washing their face and wearing makeup. In other words, patients can recover within approximately a week after Dr. Kang Wonjin's nose job, so there is no need to worry about wasting too much time.


Of course, there may still be many questions you want to consult Dr. Kang Wonjin about. 

Q&A on Rhinoplasty with Dr. Kang Wonjin at Wonjin Plastic Surgery:

1. Can my chronic nasal congestion be treated?

A: In patients with chronic rhinitis and sinusitis, more than 10% have deviated nasal septum. Even if this deviation is not visible from the outside, the nasal septum cartilage may be curved, obstructing the airways and causing rhinitis and infections. Yes, this can be treated with surgery at the Ear, Nose, and Throat Department of Wonjin Plastic Surgery.

2. My nasal bridge is curved. Do I need a separate surgery to correct this deviation?

A: Excess growth of the nasal septum cartilage can make the nose appear abnormal. In most cases, surgery involves correcting the deviation by fracturing the nasal bones and performing tip surgery simultaneously.

3. Can only the nasal tip be corrected?

A: If the nasal bridge is high and only the tip of the nose is drooping, the tip can be elevated by using autologous cartilage. This can be done if major modifications to the nose are not required.

If you have more questions to consult Dr. Kang Wonjin at Wonjin Plastic Surgery, feel free to make an appointment for an in-person consultation at any time.