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How is Face Liposuction at LIBAN Clinic? It's Great - Quick Recovery, No Sagging

2023-12-05 10:17:37

I'm planning to have face liposuction done in Korea. I am curious about LIBAN Clinic. How good is their face liposuction?

Response: Rest assured, LIBAN Clinic specializes in face liposuction as one of their signature procedures. Not only does it provide fast recovery, but it also delivers excellent results in facial rejuvenation and avoids sagging. The aesthetic effect of face slimming is remarkable.

face liposuction

How is Face Liposuction at LIBAN Clinic?

Approach of LIBAN Clinic's Face Liposuction: LIBAN Clinic's face liposuction focuses on their popular Power V face liposuction and lifting technique. This procedure not only targets fat reduction but also emphasizes lifting and tightening effects, resulting in a well-defined jawline, reduced double chin, and achieving a small V-shaped face.

The principle of face liposuction at LIBAN Clinic involves making small incisions to target facial fat absorption and soft tissue removal. This approach simultaneously lifts sagging skin and improves elasticity.

principle of face liposuction

Advantages of the procedure at LIBAN Clinic:

1. Fast recovery: The face liposuction procedure at LIBAN Clinic minimizes damage to blood vessels and nerve lines, resulting in minimal bleeding and light subcutaneous hematoma. Recovery time is short, allowing patients to resume daily activities without affecting travel or work.

2. To prevent post-operative sagging, the Power V face liposuction at LIBAN Clinic includes high-frequency laser stimulation of the skin's collagen, achieving a lifting and tightening effect and reducing the chances of sagging.

3. After the entire surgical process, absorbable protein sutures are used, eliminating the need for suture removal and reducing the risk of secondary skin tissue damage.

4. LIBAN Clinic's face liposuction uses a unique anesthetic formula, which minimizes pain. Even individuals sensitive to pain need not worry about excessive discomfort.

Face Liposuction Specialist at LIBAN Clinic: Dr. Zheng Yuanhao. His exclusive Power V face liposuction technique is renowned in Korea. This non-incisional method for face contouring is highly regarded.

Dr. Zheng Yuanhao

Overall, LIBAN Clinic's face liposuction is performed with excellence. The entire process is personally supervised by Dr. Zheng Yuanhao, from treatment planning to surgery and post-operative follow-up, ensuring personalized care and attention.

Furthermore, LIBAN Clinic is a reputable establishment situated at 320, Duckouteng Road, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea. It boasts convenient transportation and well-equipped facilities, with qualified anesthesiologists present for every face liposuction surgery to reduce surgical risks.

Face Liposuction Example at LIBAN Clinic: Fast Recovery, No Sagging

Face Liposuction Example at LIBAN Clinic: Fast Recovery, No Sagging

Pre-surgery condition: Visible double chin, unclear jawline, and noticeable corner mouth bags.

Surgical approach: Face liposuction at LIBAN Clinic.

Post-surgery transformation: Three months after the procedure, the individual's jawline appears smooth, and the jaw contour is well-defined from the side view. The face visually appears smaller. The recovery was relatively fast, allowing the patient to resume work without any disruption. Currently, it has been over seven months since the procedure, and the face remains firm without any sagging issues. Overall, the outcome is outstanding.

Post-surgery transformation

In conclusion, based on the technical analysis and case study presented, we can affirm that LIBAN Clinic delivers excellent face liposuction results. Recovery is rapid, and there is no post-liposuction sagging. The skin remains firm and the overall outcome is fantastic.