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Which is Better, EU Plastic Surgery or ID Hospital?

2023-12-12 13:57:23

Recently, there have been inquiries from people interested in having cosmetic surgery in South Korea, asking, "Which is better, EU Plastic Surgery or ID Hospital?" According to my understanding, EU Plastic Surgery is a specialized clinic for facial contouring procedures, while ID Hospital is one of the top comprehensive aesthetic clinics in South Korea. Let's take a closer look at which hospital is better.

Which is Better, EU Plastic Surgery or ID Hospital?

EU Plastic Surgery and ID Hospital - Which is Better?

EU Plastic Surgery and ID Hospital are both well-known plastic surgery clinics in South Korea with good reputations. In comparison, EU Plastic Surgery specializes in facial contouring procedures, such as double jaw surgery, cheekbone reduction, and mandible angle reduction. It is a good choice for those who want to have facial contouring surgeries in a specialized clinic. 

On the other hand, ID Hospital offers a wide range of procedures, including double eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, facelift, and liposuction. It is a better option for those who want a comprehensive aesthetic makeover, including procedures on the eyes, nose, and breasts.

After a brief introduction to EU Plastic Surgery and ID Hospital, let me provide more detailed information about their specialized procedures and advantages.

EU Plastic Surgery - Specialized in Facial Contouring

EU Plastic Surgery is a specialized clinic for facial contouring procedures in South Korea. Their main focus is on surgeries related to facial bone structure, such as double jaw surgery, protruding mouth correction, correction of dolichocephaly, mandible asymmetry, facial asymmetry, cheekbone reduction, mandible angle reduction, and chin correction. They do not offer other cosmetic procedures.

EU Plastic Surgery

Compared to comprehensive aesthetic clinics in South Korea, EU Plastic Surgery has more experience and real-life examples of facial contouring surgeries. Their surgeons have more experience in these procedures, which reduces the risk of surgical failures.

Advantages of EU Plastic Surgery in facial contouring:

1. From pre-surgical consultations to post-surgical recovery and suture removal, the entire process is personally handled by Dr. Kim Jong-rin and Dr. Shin Hee-jin, ensuring a 1:1 service without concerns about changing doctors.

2. They only specialize in bone surgeries, so their doctors and medical staff have a deep understanding of facial bone structure. This allows for better comfort during the surgery and recovery process.

3. Prior to surgery, comprehensive examinations are conducted, and specialized anesthesiologists are present throughout the operation. The hospital is also equipped with devices such as cardiac defibrillators and USP power supply systems to reduce surgical risks and provide peace of mind.

4. EU Plastic Surgery has oral and maxillofacial surgeons who can address maxillary prognathism or dental occlusal problems. They can perform orthognathic surgery and combined orthognathic and orthodontic treatments with a high success rate and low relapse rate.

facial contouring

Therefore, EU Plastic Surgery is a good choice for those who only want to have double jaw surgery, orthognathic surgery, or facial contouring surgeries, such as cheekbone reduction and mandible angle correction.

ID Hospital - One of the Top Comprehensive Aesthetic Clinics in Korea

Unlike EU Plastic Surgery, ID Hospital is a large comprehensive aesthetic clinic widely known in both South Korea and other countries. In addition to being well-known for orthognathic surgery, double jaw surgery, and facial contouring procedures, ID Hospital also offers various other popular procedures such as eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, facelift, and liposuction.

ID Hospital

ID Hospital has 22 floors, 23 plastic surgery department directors, 9 orthodontics department directors, 6 otorhinolaryngology department directors, and 4 anesthesiology department directors. Their official website is available in 11 languages. It has been designated as a featured hospital in Korean variety shows like "Let Me In" and has a strong overall capability.

Recommended surgeons at ID Hospital:

- Double jaw surgery: Park Sang-hoon, Kwon Joo-yong, Lee Ji-hee, and Hyeon Won-sik.

- Eye surgery: Hwang In-sik, Park Jun-yong, and Chang Yu-suk.

- Nose surgery: Park Jun-yong and Chang Yu-suk.

- Breast augmentation: Kim Ji-hwan.

- Liposuction: Kim Ji-hwan.

- Facelift: Ahn Sung-jae.

surgeons at ID Hospital

In conclusion, I suggest not getting too caught up in deciding which is better between EU Plastic Surgery and ID Hospital because both are reputable plastic surgery clinics in South Korea. EU Plastic Surgery is a specialized clinic for facial contouring procedures, making it a good choice for those who only want to have facial contouring surgeries or are looking for a specialized clinic. On the other hand, ID Hospital is a comprehensive aesthetic clinic offering a wide range of procedures, including double jaw surgery and facial contouring, as well as eye, nose, and breast surgeries.