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EYEHO Plastic Surgery Review: Affordable Prices and Noticeable Transformations of Comprehensive Eye Surgery

2023-12-20 14:41:22

In South Korea, many plastic surgery directors treat eye surgeries like works of art, conducting thorough research. There are also specialized eye clinics, such as EYEHO Plastic Surgery. The local residents in South Korea have praised EYEHO Plastic Surgery for two main reasons: 1. Affordable prices for comprehensive eye surgeries; 2. Noticeable transformations in real-life examples.

EYEHO Plastic Surgery

EYEHO Plastic Surgery Review1: The EYEHO Plastic Surgery is a Hospital Specializing in Eye Surgeries. 

Both locals and foreigners who have undergone comprehensive eye surgeries here consistently find the prices reasonable and worth the value.

Let's take a look at the price list for comprehensive eye surgeries at EYEHO Plastic Surgery:

- Non-incisional double eyelid: starting from $2,400

- Non-incisional double eyelid repair: starting from $3,600

- Incisional double eyelid: starting from $3,900

- Incisional double eyelid repair: starting from $4,900

- Upper eyelid ptosis correction: starting from $4,100

- Double eyelid with ptosis correction: starting from $5,700

- Brow lift: starting from $3,900

- Lower eyelid blepharoplasty: starting from $4,100

- Lower eyelid with outer canthoplasty: starting from $5,700

- Medial canthoplasty: starting from $1,900

- Lateral canthoplasty: starting from $1,900

- Lateral canthoplasty with lower eyelid: starting from $3,100

- Comprehensive eye repair: starting from $8,100

(Note: this price list is for reference only, actual prices vary depending on individual circumstances)


The price list at EYEHO Plastic Surgery shows that comprehensive eye surgeries start from $5,700. The reason why everyone finds it reasonable and worth the value is because of Director Park Bing Hao. Before founding EYEHO Plastic Surgery, Director Park Bing Hao had served as the director at several plastic surgery institutions, accumulating extensive experience.

Another point is that all negotiations are personally handled by Director Park Bing Hao, unlike most other hospitals where negotiations are conducted by department heads before meeting the director. Basically, EYEHO Plastic Surgery provides a seamless process from consultation to surgery without involving others.

It can be said that Director Park Bing Hao's technique at EYEHO Plastic Surgery is top-notch and stylish, as he customizes personalized surgical plans based on the facial features of those seeking beauty. The resulting beautiful eyes are natural, harmonious, lively, and charming. Director Park Bing Hao not only performs ordinary double eyelid and comprehensive eye surgeries but can also handle difficult eye repairs. Therefore, he has gained popularity in South Korea and his prices are relatively cheaper compared to other specialized eye clinics, attracting more and more people to choose him for surgeries and enhancing the clinic's reputation.

EYEHO Plastic Surgery Review2:The Changes were Obvious Before and After Operation

For EYEHO Plastic Surgery's examples, it was found that there were significant changes in before and after comparisons performed by Director Park Bing Hao for comprehensive eye surgeries.

Let's take a detailed look at the showcased examples:

showcased examples

- Before surgery, a young lady with monolids felt that her eyes lacked vitality and her irises were not clearly visible. After careful analysis, it was determined that the strength of her eyelid raising muscles was slightly weak. Therefore, a surgery combining full incisional double eyelid, outer canthoplasty, and eyelid raise correction was designed. Her eyes showed natural recovery two months after surgery.

Director Park Bing Hao believes that there shouldn't be excessive bleeding during surgeries as it can lead to noticeable scars. Therefore, he minimizes blood loss during procedures. Additionally, by connecting the skin tissues and lifting muscles to the eye-opening muscles, scars can be better concealed.

It is evident that the praise for EYEHO Plastic Surgery is genuine. For those interested, it is recommended to make an appointment in advance.