Home > 整形资讯 > Ranking of Contour Hospitals in South Korea Popular Among Celebrities - Wonjin/ID/Faceline Plastic Surgery Famous for Contour Trio

Ranking of Contour Hospitals in South Korea Popular Among Celebrities - Wonjin/ID/Faceline Plastic Surgery Famous for Contour Trio

2023-12-22 09:53:01

The ranking of contour hospitals often visited by South Korean celebrities has been revealed. If you are interested in getting double eyelid surgery, cheekbone reduction, bone grafting, chin reduction, or mandibular angle surgery, check out the renowned hospitals in South Korea such as Wonjin Plastic Surgery, Faceline Plastic Surgery, ID Hospital, Pitangui Plastic Surgery, MadeYoung Plastic Surgery, and 1% Plastic Surgery, as they are known for their contour procedures.

The hospitals listed in the ranking of contour hospitals frequently visited by South Korean celebrities are all well-known plastic surgery institutions in South Korea.

Wonjin Plastic Surgery: 

Wonjin Plastic Surgery is one of the largest plastic surgery hospitals in South Korea. With over 20 years of development, it is the choice of nearly a thousand celebrities. The hospital has a staff of over 200 medical professionals, including more than 50 plastic surgeons, 4 resident anesthesiologists, 5 clinical pathologists, and 7 radiologic technologists. 

Wonjin Plastic Surgery is highly regarded in the ranking of contour hospitals thanks to its expertise in various procedures such as double eyelid surgery, craniofacial asymmetry correction, protruding mouth surgery, chin augmentation (V-line surgery, WON V-lift non-surgical procedure), mandibular angle surgery, cheekbone contouring, chin surgery, forehead surgery, nasal base surgery, and facial contour reconstruction.

Wonjin Plastic Surgery

ID Hospital: 

ID Hospital is also a large-scale plastic surgery hospital. Spanning 22 floors and 6 annex floors with a total area of 9,657.49 square meters, it is equipped with preoperative sterile air shower systems, dual pressure operating rooms, central monitoring video systems, advanced medical equipment, and emergency medical facilities. Dr. Park Sang Hun, known as the "father of double eyelid surgery" in South Korea, practices at ID Hospital. 

Other doctors like Lee Ji Hyeok, Fang Zhirong, Hyeonwon Sik, Lee Seok Jae, Lee Jeong Min, and Lee Tae Seong are highly skilled in procedures such as craniofacial asymmetry correction, protruding mouth surgery, cheekbone contouring, and V-line jaw surgery.

ID Hospital

Faceline Plastic Surgery: 

Faceline Plastic Surgery is a well-known plastic surgery hospital in South Korea. It specializes in contouring with its signature contouring quadruple procedures, which include cheekbone augmentation, mandibular angle reduction, outer plate osteotomy, and chin enhancement. Dr. Lee Jin Soo, the director of Faceline Plastic Surgery, excels in retaining the natural appearance of postoperative contours, distinguishing them from "internet-famous" faces. 

The mandibular angle surgery at Faceline Plastic Surgery is divided into two parts: excess angle removal and subsequent polishing. These factors contribute to its inclusion in the ranking of contour hospitals frequently visited by South Korean celebrities.

TS Plastic Surgery: 

When it comes to contour surgery in South Korea, TS Plastic Surgery stands out. Dr. Lee Sang Jun, the director of TS Plastic Surgery, specializes in mandibular angle grinding, cheekbone reduction, and chin surgery. For cheekbone reduction, the hospital employs a dual fixation method, with incisions made on the scalp, ensuring no visible scarring after surgery. TS Plastic Surgery also boasts a wide range of successful cases.

contour surgery

VG Plastic Surgery: 

VG Plastic Surgery is known for its expertise in cheekbone reduction, mandibular angle reduction, V-line chin surgery, forehead contouring, and chin implant procedures. The doctors at VG Plastic Surgery can provide comprehensive enhancement from bone structure to skin texture.

VG Plastic Surgery

ILUMI Plastic Surgery: 

ILUMI Plastic Surgery is renowned for its contour trio procedures and leans towards a natural girlish style. Dr. Hwang Chang Hyun, the director of ILUMI Plastic Surgery, excels in low blood loss and minimal postoperative swelling in bone reduction procedures. With a 0.5-inch incision made for mandibular angle surgery, noticeable changes in cheekbone reduction can be observed from both the side and front views.

View Plastic Surgery: 

View Plastic Surgery is included in the ranking of contour hospitals frequently visited by South Korean celebrities because of its large-scale facility, strong medical team, well-established anesthesia team, and expertise in facial and contouring procedures. The hospital maintains precise control over bone cutting during surgery.

View Plastic Surgery

MadeYoung Plastic Surgery: 

Dr. Sohn Hwan Shin, the head of contouring at MadeYoung Plastic Surgery, has over 10 years of experience and specializes in metal-free and titanium-free facial contouring procedures. His contour surgeries prevent the formation of unnecessary scar tissue and facial sagging.

1% Plastic Surgery: 

1% Plastic Surgery is a hospital dedicated to contour trio and contour reconstruction procedures. The hospital's specialties include cheekbone contouring, mini V-line jaw surgery, mandibular angle reduction, chin implant, forehead filler, and thread lifting. Dr. Lim Jong Woo, a graduate of Seoul National University, specializes in complex contour reconstruction surgeries.

10. DA Plastic Surgery: 

DA Plastic Surgery emphasizes personalized consultations prior to surgery with no shadow doctors and operates under a real-name system. The hospital has dedicated operating rooms and anesthesiologists. DA Plastic Surgery excels in using appropriate bone cutting and angle retention techniques to create beautiful facial shapes. The hospital also employs 3D printers to reconstruct skeletal structures during contour repair procedures.

DA Plastic Surgery