Home > 整形资讯 > The Price of Cheekbone Reduction Surgery at Faceline Plastic Surgery is $7,000+, Director Lee Ensures a Natural and Non-sagging Result

The Price of Cheekbone Reduction Surgery at Faceline Plastic Surgery is $7,000+, Director Lee Ensures a Natural and Non-sagging Result

2023-12-25 12:01:11

Planning to undergo contouring surgery at Faceline Plastic Surgery? Heard they are known for their excellent results, but unsure about the prices? Well, today I will tell you that cheekbone reduction surgery at Faceline Plastic Surgery starts at $7,000. Furthermore, Director Lee Jin-soo ensures a natural contouring style.

cheekbone reduction surgery

Let's Take a Look at the Prices for Cheekbone Reduction Surgery at Faceline Plastic Surgery:

In most cases, cheekbone reduction surgery at Faceline Plastic Surgery starts at $7,000 to $11,200. The specific costs are listed below:

1. Cheekbone reduction surgery: Starting at $7,000

2. Cheekbone reduction and repair surgery: Starting at $7,700

3. Contouring package: Starting at $11,200

4. Cheekbone and jaw angle surgery: Starting at $9,100

5. Cheekbone and chin surgery: Starting at $9,100

Overall, the prices for cheekbone reduction surgery at Faceline Plastic Surgery are not expensive but also not cheap. They fall under the moderate consumption range, considering Faceline Plastic Surgery's proficiency in contouring surgery.

Faceline Plastic Surgery

How is the Cheekbone Reduction Surgery Performed at Faceline Plastic Surgery?

Director Lee Jin-soo at Faceline Plastic Surgery ensures a natural and non-sagging result for cheekbone reduction surgery. Additionally, the surgery utilizes titanium wire fixation instead of titanium screws and plates used by other hospitals, which can affect post-operative recovery speed.

Importantly, Director Lee Jin-soo's technique involves minimal dissection, resulting in reduced swelling and faster recovery. Without careful observation, the surgery is hardly noticeable, thus making many customers choose Faceline Plastic Surgery for cheekbone reduction surgery.

Faceline Plastic Surgery Case Example ▼

Faceline Plastic Surgery Case Example

Moreover, Faceline Plastic Surgery performs cheekbone reduction with a 45-degree angle cut below the eyes. The cheekbones are then pushed inward and fixed along with the skin tissue and fascial layer in front of the ears, ensuring no sagging after the surgery.

Now you know the prices for cheekbone reduction surgery at Faceline Plastic Surgery and the proficiency of Director Lee Jin-soo's technique.