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Wide Nose Rhinoplasty Surgery in South Korea

2023-12-27 15:45:13

Wide Nose Rhinoplasty Surgery involves addressing a flat and un-pointed nose by utilizing techniques such as Wide molding. This procedure aims to refine and sculpt the nose by eliminating the fat layer beneath the skin in order to achieve a more defined and pointed appearance.

Wide Nose Rhinoplasty Surgery in South Korea

Wide Nose Rhinoplasty Surgery in South Korea: Methods for Wide Nose Rhinoplasty for a More Pointed Nose

When dealing with a wider cartilage at the end of the nose, one approach is to trim the cartilage and smooth the sides while bringing the end of the nose closer together. Another option is to insert cartilage from different areas such as the ear, nasal septum cartilage, or nasal cartilage between the cartilages at the end of the nose. This can help create a more defined and pointed nose.

In cases where the cartilage at the end of the nose is widening, a different technique is employed. After trimming the cartilage, the ends are stitched and tied together. This causes the nasal septum, which is connected to the bottom, to naturally move to the top of the nose. As a result, a pointed nose with a more desirable shape can be achieved through wide nose rhinoplasty.

If the fat tissue in the nose is thick and needs to be addressed, the subcutaneous fat and flesh can be removed to heighten the end of the nose. In addition, if the goal is to also enhance the bridge of the nose, ear cartilage, nasal cartilage, or other materials can be used. This combination of techniques can produce a more defined and shapely nose overall.

Methods for Wide Nose Rhinoplasty for a More Pointed Nose

Wide Nose Rhinoplasty Surgery in South Korea: The Surgery 'Wide Nose Rhinoplasty' When Applicable?

When is the surgery 'Wide Nose Rhinoplasty' appropriate? Patients with slender and flexible skin who have larger noses are more likely to experience significant reduction of their nose, making Wide Nose Rhinoplasty a viable option. These patients have thinner skin that will gradually shrink over time to accommodate the decrease in nasal cartilage and bone structure. This shrinking process may take several months or even years. 

Consequently, these patients are more likely to feel dissatisfied in the early stages of recovery, before the swelling subsides and the skin adjusts to the new nasal structure after wide nose rhinoplasty. If the nose is made too small, the skin may never fully contract and can result in deformity. 

Wide Nose Rhinoplasty Surgery in South Korea: Rhinoplasty Cost in Korea

Rhinoplasty, also known as nose surgery, aims to enhance the facial aesthetic appearance of patients by altering the shape of their nose. When planning for this procedure, various factors are taken into consideration. These factors include the size, width, and other characteristics of the nose, as well as the thickness and type of skin. Additionally, the ethnic background of the patient, whether they are Caucasian, African, Indian, Asian, or from another race, is an important consideration in order to achieve a natural-looking result.

Rhinoplasty Cost in Korea

Wide Nose Rhinoplasty Surgery in South Korea: The Rhinoplasty Cost of the Surgery

The cost of a rhinoplasty surgery will vary depending on the specific procedures performed and their level of complexity. For instance, a simple adjustment like a tip augmentation may cost around ₩2,600,000, while a more comprehensive rhinoplasty can range from ₩3,400,000 to ₩9,000,000 in Korea. 

It is crucial to carefully select a skilled surgeon, as the intricacy of nose surgery makes any future corrections significantly more expensive. Some aspects may be irreversible, underscoring the importance of choosing the right surgeon.