Home > 整形资讯 > Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center does a Good Job with Eye Plastic Surgery, and Chief Surgeon Liu can Perform Difficult Internal Canthus Repair

Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center does a Good Job with Eye Plastic Surgery, and Chief Surgeon Liu can Perform Difficult Internal Canthus Repair

2023-12-29 10:49:03

Recently, many people planning to undergo plastic surgery in Korea have reached out to us with various questions. Some of these inquiries are focused on Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center, with many asking if the center is good at performing eye plastic surgery or if they can handle internal canthus repair. They are also curious about the skills of Chief Surgeon Liu at Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center. 

Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center

Overview: Is Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center good at eye plastic surgery?

Answer: Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center is an internet-famous establishment, specializing in eye surgeries and repairs. Therefore, there's no doubt that they excel at eye plastic surgery.

To be more specific, here are some eye procedures that Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center specializes in:

Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center's Secret Embedded Thread Method for Double Eyelid Surgery

Advantages: This technique uses specially developed invisible threads that can create subtle changes in the eyelid shape during the embedding process. The probability of thread loosening is lower, and it also shortens the recovery time with long-lasting results.

Procedure: The double eyelid line and degree are customized based on individual eye characteristics. Special invisible threads, combined with precise stitching techniques, are used to suture the eyelid skin and muscles from the inside out. The stitches do not need to be removed, resulting in a natural-looking double eyelid.

incisional double eyelid surgery

Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center's Glamorous Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery

Advantages: This method is more suitable for individuals with thicker upper eyelids and excess fat tissue, as well as those who experienced loosening after embedded thread surgery. The recovery time is relatively fast, and the double eyelids appear more natural.

 glamorous incisional double eyelid surgery

Procedure: Customized double eyelid surgery plans are tailored to each customer. Appropriate removal of skin, fat tissue, and meticulous suturing techniques are used to create glamorous double eyelid lines. The stitches are removed after 7 days.

 Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center's Shining Partial Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery

Advantages: This technique combines the benefits of both embedding and full incision methods, resulting in smaller trauma and swelling area, with more stable double eyelids.

Procedure: Micro-incisions are made according to each customer's actual condition, removing part of the muscles or excess fat caused by thick eyelids. Fine stitching is then performed using the embedded thread method, resulting in a more natural appearance.

These are the three main eye plastic surgery methods that Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center excels in. Additionally, they are also proficient in internal canthus repair, and Chief Surgeon Liu is highly sought after in this field.

shining partial incisional double eyelid surgery

Chief Surgeon Liu at Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center is well known for his expertise in difficult internal canthus repair. He can effectively correct and repair issues such as excessively large inner canthus or poor eye corner shape using logical and flexible methods. Furthermore, Chief Surgeon Liu is also skilled in lower eyelid bag removal and nasal repair, receiving high praise from many satisfied customers.

In conclusion, Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center does an excellent job with eye plastic surgery. Not only do they specialize in eye repair, but they also excel in nasal repair and facial contouring.