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Saline vs Silicone Implants: Is It Better to Get Saline or Silicone Implants?

2023-10-09 17:08:06

When a client is in need of breast augmentation, the choice of silicone or saline implants becomes a question. Here we tell you the difference between silicone and saline implants, so you can consider what type of breast augmentation to choose.

Saline vs Silicone Implants

Difference Between Saline and Silicone Implants

Saline Implants: 

Saline implants consist of a silicone shell filled with a sterile salt water solution. We insert them as empty shells and then pump the saline solution into them once they are in place.


1. A saline breast implant has a silicone shell that's filled with saline, a sterile saltwater mixture. Picture it like a water balloon that's round rather than teardrop-shaped. While silicone implants were on the market first, saline implants have some unique advantages.

2. Saline implants don't need as large of incisions. For patients, this means a smaller scar.


1. If you choose to have your implant on top of your pectoral muscle rather than under it, the risk is higher. 

2. Not good for women with little soft tissue.

3. A drawback of saline is that some report that they’re more easily seen under the skin (often causing rippling) and you may feel water sloshing.

Difference between saline and silicone implants

Silicone Implants: 

Silicone breast implants are prefilled with silicone gel. They are available in both smooth and textured formats, and in a variety of different levels of gel viscosity.


1. Silicone implants have a similar shell to saline ones, but instead of saline, they're filled with a thicker silicone gel. They tend to pair well with the breast's natural shape so they look more like natural breasts.

2. The texture and weight of silicone implants tend to mimic natural breasts better. On top of the feeling on your chest, silicone implants feel more natural to the touch as well. For a woman who wants her surgery to be discrete, silicone may be the way to go.


1. Silent rupture

2. Less customization during surgery. The size of implants is fixed.

Silicone Implants

Is it Better to Get Saline or Silicone Implants?

It depends on yourself.

For patients who are between 18 and 22 years old, some choose to get saline implants now rather than waiting until they can get silicone implants. You have to be at least 22 years old to get silicone implants.

Silicone implants are more expensive than saline. If you have a smaller budget, you can choose saline Implants. 

What feels more natural saline or silicone implants? The answer is silicone Implants.

Is it better to get saline or silicone implants

Which is Safer Saline or Silicone Implants?

Saline and silicone implants are generally considered safe if your breast augmentation is performed by a reliable surgeon.

Some believe that saline implants are safer because if the implant ruptures, most of the salt water will reabsorb into the body. Plus, with saline implants, you’ll know right away if it bursts and you can immediately take precautions.

While you have plenty of pros and cons to ponder, remember that it’s best to talk your options over with a board-certified plastic surgeon who will guide you to the right option for your body, lifestyle, and goals.