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Which is the Best Korean Breast Augmentation?Mine or MD Plastic Surgery?

2023-11-09 17:37:20

Many people often ask, in terms of rankings among breast augmentation hospitals in Korea, which is better, Mine plastic surgery or MD plastic surgery? Both are good, but they differ in terms of breast augmentation procedures and prices. Let's compare and gain a better understanding.

Which is the best Korean breast augmentation

Which is the Best Korean Breast Augmentation?Mine or MD Plastic Surgery?

Both Mine and MD are reputable hospitals for breast augmentation in Korea, and their technical abilities are not lacking. 

Mine Plastic Surgery specializes in breast augmentation with implants and revision surgeries for failed breast augmentations. They showcase many examples of failed breast augmentation revisions in the hospital, and the hospital's reputation and technical abilities are quite good.

MD Plastic Surgery hospital excels in breast reconstruction and is ranked among the top three hospitals in Korea for this technically challenging procedure. This demonstrates the hospital's expertise in breast augmentation.

To provide a clearer picture, let's compare Mine and MD in terms of their breast augmentation procedures and techniques, and understand the strengths of each hospital.

Breast Augmentation

Mine Plastic Surgery Specializes in Breast Implants / Breast Augmentation Failure Repair

Mine Plastic Surgery is an established comprehensive plastic surgery hospital in Korea, with a reliable and legitimate qualification. 

Their breast augmentation surgeries are a specialty, including procedures such as breast augmentation with implants, revision surgeries for failed breast augmentations, correction of sagging breasts, and breast reduction surgeries. Among these procedures, breast augmentation with implants is the most popular and the hospital has a good reputation for its technical ability.

The advantages of breast augmentation at Mine Plastic Surgery are as follows:

1. Small incisions made in the deep folds under the armpits, resulting in inconspicuous scars after surgery.

2. The use of absorbable stitches and adhesive for wound closure allows patients to take showers just three days after surgery.

3. The use of an endoscope during the surgery minimizes damage to breast tissue and glands, and patients do not need to wear a blood bag after surgery.

4. In addition, breast augmentation surgeries at Mine Plastic Surgery preserve the blood vessels and nerves of the fascia, ensuring a low risk of infection and minimal risk of capsular contracture.

Furthermore, breast augmentation surgeries at Mine Plastic Surgery are personally performed by Dr. Lee Sung Yook, who is a plastic surgeon at Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital, specializing in breast augmentation for many years. He has published several academic papers and is highly skilled in both theoretical knowledge and practical experience of breast augmentation surgeries.

Mine Plastic Surgery

MD Plastic Surgery is Good for Breast Surgery

MD Plastic Surgery Center is a well-known hospital for breast surgery in Korea. Their expertise lies in breast health and breast augmentation surgeries, especially high-difficulty breast reconstructions and breast augmentation with implants.

Their breast reconstruction surgeries mainly focus on post-mastectomy breast reconstruction, which involves a comprehensive improvement through the use of implants and fat grafting. The advantages of their surgeries are as follows:

1. The surgery time is short.

2. The reconstruction of nipples and areolas is possible.

3. The breast shape appears natural.

MD Plastic Surgery performs a 1-3 stage breast reconstruction surgery. Before the surgery, digital mammography is conducted to design a detailed surgical plan, ensuring a one-to-one design of the breast shape. After breast molding, the nipples and areolas are reconstructed to achieve a normal breast shape and sensation. To achieve better results, the surgeon also performs breast augmentation or lifting on the healthy side to ensure symmetry in terms of breast shape and size after surgery.

In addition, MD Plastic Surgery offers a wide range of breast implants, including Mentor, Motiva, and Sebbin, and they have a display and experience center where patients can try on and choose the most suitable implant size to achieve their desired breast state.

Dr. Lee Sang-Da, the director of MD Plastic Surgery, is a surgeon at Korea University College of Medicine. He has been working in the field of breast augmentation for a long time and often gives lectures to many Korean breast surgeons. He is highly skilled in this field.

MD Plastic Surgery

In conclusion, both Mine and MD are good choices for breast augmentation. For breast augmentation with implants, one can consult with Mine Plastic Surgery in Korea, while for breast reconstruction and high-difficulty breast augmentation, MD Plastic Surgery is recommended. It is suggested to consult with both hospitals, compare their proposed plans, and choose the one that best suits individual needs.