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Good Surgeons for Double Jaw Surgery in Korea: Park Sang-hun, Lee Jin-soo, Choi Sun-yoo are Renowned Surgeons

2023-11-09 19:26:01

When it comes to double eyelid surgery, Korean doctors are known for their advanced techniques and aesthetic results. So, who are the best doctors for double eyelid surgery in Korea? Here's a ranking of doctors in Korean hospitals specializing in this procedure, along with the price list for double eyelid surgery. If you're considering getting double eyelid surgery in Korea, these hospitals and doctors are worth considering.

double eyelid surgery

Director Park Sang-hun

Hospital: ID Plastic Surgery

Director Park Sang-hun is among the top doctors for double eyelid surgery in Korea. At ID Plastic Surgery, they offer the option of undergoing double eyelid surgery before correcting the teeth, which significantly reduces treatment time. 

Director Park is well-known for his renowned techniques such as non-binding double eyelid surgery and transparent double eyelid surgery. The non-binding technique eliminates the need for any fixation between the eyelids, resulting in a better overall experience during the recovery process. 

As for transparent double eyelid surgery, Director Park has developed soluble fixation nails, alleviating concerns about the need to remove titanium pins or plates after the procedure.

eye surgery

Director Lee Jin-soo

Hospital: Faceline Plastic Surgery

Director Lee Jin-soo specializes in SMART double eyelid surgery, known for its safety. With the presence of an anesthesiologist, there have been no reported deaths or blood transfusions in the past 16 years. 

Director Lee has established a strong collaboration with orthodontist director Lee Shin-ding, resulting in more effective combined treatments. Together, they have accumulated feedback from tens of thousands of patients who have undergone double eyelid surgery. Their approach also involves performing the surgery before orthodontic correction.

Good Surgeons for Double Jaw Surgery in Korea

Director Choi Sun-yoo & Director Yoon Chang-yoon

Hospital: View Plastic Surgery

Director Choi Sun-yoo from View Plastic Surgery offers both Nano Chin Surgery and Transparent Chin Surgery. The Transparent Chin Surgery uses absorbable bone pins, while the core of the Nano Chin Surgery lies in their rotational technique for the occlusion surface. 

The surgery involves cutting and rotating the jawbones inward along a circular trajectory. This technique effectively adjusts the facial shape, aligns the dental arch, and results in a natural expression. Both directors Choi and Yoon are experts in double chin surgery.

Director Choi Sun-yoo

These mentioned doctors are considered to be among the best for double eyelid surgery in Korea, practicing in hospitals known for their expertise in this procedure. The cost for double eyelid surgery in Korea ranges from 60,000 to 100,000 KRW, but the exact price varies based on individual facial features, which can be determined after a consultation with the respective doctors.