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Precautions of Breast Augmentation in Korea:Pre-operative, Intra-operative and Post-operative Precautions

2023-11-10 15:04:23

Many individuals who desire breast augmentation have high expectations and choose to undergo the procedure in South Korea. So, what are the precautions for breast augmentation with implants in Korean hospitals? Many people are interested, so let's discuss the entire process of preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care.

breast augmentation

Preoperative Precautions for Breast Augmentation in Korea:

I remember that after I made the appointment with the hospital, a doctor conducted a consultation with me. The medical staff asked me many questions, including whether I had high blood pressure, diabetes, or if I was in the preconception or lactation period, as well as whether I was taking contraceptives or hormones. 

They also instructed me to stop smoking two weeks before the surgery, avoid drinking alcohol or beverages containing alcohol for a week, and refrain from taking anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin before the surgery. Additionally, I couldn't eat or drink anything for 6 hours before the surgery. 

The main points are as follows:

◆Choose an appropriate time for breast augmentation

Avoid scheduling the procedure during menstruation and try to avoid undergoing breast augmentation during the preconception, pregnancy, or lactation periods. It is best to wait at least six months.

◆Disease screening before the surgery

Inform the doctor about any preexisting conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes, and provide information about any medications you are currently taking.

Disease screening before the surgery

Intraoperative Precautions for Breast Augmentation in Korea:

When I went to South Korea for breast augmentation, I did a lot of research and compared many hospitals. After considering various factors, including real-life breast augmentation examples, I found that Dream Plastic Surgery had attractive results with full and natural-looking breasts that were the right size. 

Moreover, Dream Plastic Surgery is a well-known hospital in South Korea, where many local residents and celebrities undergo breast augmentation. Therefore, its reputation is definitely good.

Postoperative Precautions for Breast Augmentation in Korea:

Doctors will provide detailed instructions on wound care, swelling reduction, pain management, and helping the breasts to take shape.

▲Wound care

Breast augmentation incisions are typically made around the areola, breast fold, or armpit. Regardless of the incision location, it is important to maintain cleanliness and dryness of the wounds, follow the doctor's instructions for regular disinfection, and avoid getting the wounds wet. Avoid excessive movements after the surgery to prevent wound tearing. If necessary, such as when getting out of bed or lifting heavy objects, seek assistance from a postoperative care nurse.

▲Swelling reduction and pain management

After breast augmentation, adopt a semi-reclined position and apply ice packs at regular intervals to reduce swelling. After 48 hours, heat therapy can be applied. Eating foods that reduce swelling, such as pumpkin juice, winter melon and kelp soup, or coix seed and mung bean porridge, can help eliminate excess water from the body and speed up the reduction of swelling.

▲Shaping the breasts

To shape the breasts and secure the position of the implants, it is necessary to wear a compression bra after breast augmentation. Wearing a compression bra for the first few days after the surgery may be uncomfortable, but it is important to follow the recommendation as it aids in compressing and bandaging the breasts, accelerating swelling reduction and wound healing, and avoiding implant displacement. Each cosmetic surgery hospital in Korea has different instructions for wearing a compression bra, so if you don't know how to wear it, be sure to ask to avoid any issues related to asymmetry or other problems.

▲Postoperative complications

Complications such as implant leakage or breast swelling and hardening can occur after breast augmentation, but these are generally normal postoperative phenomena that gradually return to normal. It is important to remain calm and not jump to conclusions about the failure of breast augmentation. Even experts need to wait for the six-month recovery period to make a definitive judgment regarding success or failure.

pre-operative examination room

Share My Experience of Undergoing Breast Augmentation in Korea

After the surgery, my breasts were wrapped in gauze, and I could see some redness and bruising. The doctor advised me to rest for a few days and avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, impacting the breasts, or engaging in vigorous exercise within the first month after surgery. During the recovery period, it is important to perform breast massages to reduce the chance of capsule contracture.

I must say that after the recovery period, my breasts truly look beautiful. I had opted for 260cc implants, which are perfectly suited for me, and I am very satisfied. These are the precautions I have summarized for undergoing breast augmentation with implants in a Korean hospital. The entire process of preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care is discussed here, which may be helpful for those considering undergoing breast augmentation in Korea.

breast augmentation before&after