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How is JAWGAK Plastic Surgery's Skull Reshaping Surgery? Will it cause unevenness?

2023-11-13 18:15:08

JAWGAK Plastic Surgery is well-known in both Korea and the domestic field for its skull reshaping surgery. So, how effective is JAWGAK Plastic Surgery's skull reshaping surgery? Will there be any unevenness after the procedure? Let's find out.

Skull Reshaping Surgery

How Effective is JAWGAK Plastic Surgery's Skull Reshaping Surgery?

It can be said that JAWGAK Plastic Surgery's skull reshaping surgery has very good effectiveness. It can transform originally flat, sunken, uneven, and asymmetrical positions into full, round, and smoothly-shaped features, achieving a curved head shape that harmonizes and balances with the facial structure. 

Additionally, there is also the added benefit of height increase by 1 to 2 centimeters after the skull reshaping surgery at JAWGAK Plastic Surgery.

skull reshaping surgery before and after

Is There Any Life-threatening Risk in Undergoing Skull Reshaping Surgery?

It is understood that skull reshaping surgery does not pose any life-threatening risks or harm, so everyone can rest assured. 

Song Longtai, the director of JAWGAK Plastic Surgery, stated that for skull reshaping surgery at JAWGAK, there is no need for craniotomy or even shaving the head. Only tying up the hair is sufficient for the surgery. 

The director will first divide the hair and make an incision of approximately 5 centimeters in width at the hairline (the scar is barely visible once healed). Then, after creating an appropriate space, the prepared "bone cement" is injected between the periosteum and the bone, and the shaping is meticulously done using fingers until the desired rounded effect is achieved. The shaping process takes about 2 minutes, and at the same time, the material gradually hardens. 

Therefore, JAWGAK Plastic Surgery's skull reshaping surgery does not have any cases of unevenness, as the doctor will manually shape the form. 

The "bone cement" used is a commonly used bone adhesive in orthopedics and has a history of use for over a hundred years. It will tightly adhere to the scalp and will not create any gaps between the skull and the material, thus not affecting the cranial bone.

bone cement

How Much does JAWGAK Plastic Surgery's Skull Reshaping Surgery Cost?

The price for JAWGAK Plastic Surgery's skull reshaping surgery is approximately $8000.

In conclusion, JAWGAK Plastic Surgery's skull reshaping surgery has good effectiveness and will not result in any unevenness or sinking at the back of the head or the cranial top after the procedure. It is a safe choice, and the pricing information has also been provided for everyone's reference.