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Which is Better for Nose Surgery: ONDO Plastic Surgery or 431 Plastic Surgery? Each Hospital Has Its Advantages

2023-11-16 15:39:03

Which is better for nose surgery: ONDO Plastic Surgery or 431 Plastic Surgery? Both hospitals are well-known for nose surgery in South Korea, and each has its own specialties in areas such as nose repair and autologous cartilage rhinoplasty...

Which is better for nose surgery

Which is Better for Nose Surgery: ONDO Plastic Surgery or 431 Plastic Surgery?

ONDO Plastic Surgery and 431 Plastic Surgery are both renowned plastic surgery hospitals for nasal procedures, but they have different focuses. ONDO Plastic Surgery excels in primary nose surgery, while 431 Plastic Surgery specializes in nose repair surgery. Let's explore the unique features of ONDO Plastic Surgery and 431 Plastic Surgery when it comes to nose procedures.

How is Nose Surgery at ONDO Plastic Surgery?

ONDO Plastic Surgery's focus is on customized nasal contouring, placing a strong emphasis on the three-dimensional aspect of the nose on the face. The advantages of nose surgery at this hospital include:

1) Dr. Han Jun personally performs the surgeries: From the initial consultation and surgical planning to the execution and postoperative follow-up, Dr. Han personally oversees the entire process, ensuring continuity of care.

2) Good surgical philosophy: The hospital's customized nose surgery plans are designed based on the balanced harmony between the nose and facial contours, aiming for natural and beautiful results that remain so even after 10 or 20 years.

3) Excellent surgical techniques: Starting from the delicate dissection of nasal tissues to minimize damage, ONDO Plastic Surgery takes into consideration the relationship between the nose and philtrum and performs convex lip surgery to enhance the appearance of the nose on the face.

ONDO Plastic Surgery

How is Nose Repair at 431 Plastic Surgery?

Dr. Kim Jae-hoon of 431 Plastic Surgery has made continuous advancements in nose repair procedures, developing several new surgical techniques such as "nose repair surgery," "recession of the nasal wings," and "nasal tip correction for East Asians." The advantages of nose repair at 431 Plastic Surgery include:

1) 3D scientific analysis and surgical planning: Before performing nose repair surgery, 431 Plastic Surgery utilizes 3D imaging devices to analyze and diagnose the current condition of the patient's nose, enabling comprehensive surgical planning and prediction of the postoperative outcome.

2) Ability to repair various types of nose issues: 431 Plastic Surgery can effectively repair symptoms of contracted nose, deviated nose, hump nose, and exposed nasal implants, with the goal of improving both aesthetics and functionality.

3) Faster recovery after repair: 431 Plastic Surgery utilizes drainage tubes to ensure comfortable breathing for the patient while preventing postoperative infections and helping to keep the nasal passage dry. This approach differs from other hospitals that may use cotton plugs, which not only slow down the recovery process but also increase the risk of infection.

431 plasic surgery

In conclusion, now you have a better understanding of which hospital to choose between ONDO Plastic Surgery and 431 Plastic Surgery. If you are considering primary nose surgery, ONDO Plastic Surgery is recommended. For more complex nose repair cases, 431 Plastic Surgery is a suitable option.