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Which Projects are Good at 431 Plastic Surgery? Nose Surgery is a Featured Project, Such as Nasal Stenosis Repair/Rhinoplasty

2023-12-04 16:15:59

Which projects are good at 431 Plastic Surgery? Nose surgery, eye surgery, facelift, contouring, and the 3-in-1 procedure of nose, eye, and face are all highly recommended at 431 Plastic Surgery. The featured project is nose surgery, which includes projects such as nasal stenosis repair, rhinoplasty, and nasal tip and wing repair. Patients can visit 431 Plastic Surgery and consult with Dr. Jin Zai Xun for detailed information.

431 Plastic Surgery

What Projects are Good at 431 Plastic Surgery?

431 Plastic Surgery is a comprehensive hospital that specializes in various projects such as nose surgery, eye surgery, facelift, and contouring. The featured project is nose surgery, as 431 Plastic Surgery uses drainage tubes instead of blocking the nostrils during the procedure to prevent postoperative infections. Other hospitals often use cotton, which leads to slower recovery and higher risk of infection.

Featured Project: Nose Surgery at 431 Plastic Surgery

Advantages of nose surgery at 431 Plastic Surgery:

- The use of drainage tubes instead of blocking the nostrils does not affect breathing, providing greater comfort and contributing to dryness within the nose, which is beneficial for skincare and preventing postoperative infections. Other hospitals use cotton, which keeps blood and fluid inside the nose, resulting in slower recovery and increased risk of infection.

- Most hospitals extract the 6th or 7th rib cartilage for rib cartilage augmentation rhinoplasty, leaving behind a 3-4cm incision. However, 431 Plastic Surgery extracts the 10th rib cartilage, leaving behind a 1-1.5cm incision, which gradually becomes less noticeable over time.

- Many locals in South Korea praise the nose surgery performed at 431 Plastic Surgery. They often visit Dr. Jin Zai Xun for nasal repairs or rhinoplasty.

The Best Surgeon for Nose Surgery at 431 Plastic Surgery is Dr. Jin Zai Xun

The Best Surgeon for Nose Surgery at 431 Plastic Surgery is Dr. Jin Zai Xun

Dr. Jin Zai Xun specializes in creating natural-looking noses, particularly in nose repairs, where he focuses on restoring nasal structure and functionality. He has gained fame for successfully performing complex nose repairs within the local area.

Dr. Jin Zai Xun performs a considerable number of nose surgeries each year, with approximately 80% of them being challenging revision surgeries. He is highly recognized as a nasal repair surgeon among the local South Korean population.

Furthermore, Dr. Jin Zai Xun has published over 20 academic papers on nasal procedures, and his techniques are often used as educational materials. Many nose surgeons have learned rhinoplasty and nasal repair procedures from Dr. Jin Zai Xun, further emphasizing why 431 Plastic Surgery is a recommended choice for nose surgery.

Based on the information about which projects are good at 431 Plastic Surgery, the featured project being nose surgery, let's talk about the prices for nose surgeries at 431 Plastic Surgery.

The price list for rhinoplasty at 431 Plastic Surgery

The Price List for Rhinoplasty at 431 Plastic Surgery is as Follows:

- Rhinoplasty: starting from $18,000

- Nasal repair: approximately $18,000-$20,000

- Nasal wing reduction: starting from $2,000

- Internal nasal bone pushing: approximately $2,300-$3,800

The above prices serve as a reference for rhinoplasty at 431 Plastic Surgery. It is advisable to plan a budget accordingly.

This concludes the information regarding which projects are good at 431 Plastic Surgery and the price list for rhinoplasty. Please note that the above content is for reference only.