Home > item > Who are the Best Doctors for Lower Eyelid Repair in Korea? Recommended Names include Seong Jin-mo, Park Sang-hyun, Ryu Eon-sik, and Park Byung-ho

Who are the Best Doctors for Lower Eyelid Repair in Korea? Recommended Names include Seong Jin-mo, Park Sang-hyun, Ryu Eon-sik, and Park Byung-ho

2023-12-18 09:47:21

The delicate tissues around the eyes need special care, as any failure in eyelid surgery can be troublesome. South Korea has a number of renowned doctors specializing in lower eyelid repair and other related procedures. In this article, we will discuss some of the top doctors in South Korea for lower eyelid repair, so you can find the one that suits your needs.

Who are the Best Doctors for Lower Eyelid Repair in South Korea?

Seong Jin-mo, President of Cheongdam First Plastic Surgery

Seong Jin-mo is well-known in the field of eye plastic surgery, particularly in repairing failed double eyelid surgeries, correcting eyelid droop, and lower eyelid repair. 

He specializes in addressing issues such as eyelid retraction, eyelid eversion caused by lower eyelid surgery failure, and three white eyes. Seong Jin-mo's precise and efficient techniques ensure successful lower eyelid repairs.

Seong Jin-mo

Park Sang-hyun, President of Semi Plastic Surgery

With decades of experience in eye plastic surgery and corrective procedures, Park Sang-hyun has gained widespread recognition for his meticulous and skilled approach. 

Other hospital directors even seek his help in repairing customers' eyes that have been damaged or have not achieved the desired results after multiple corrective surgeries. Park Sang-hyun is adept at using multi-level fine suturing methods to address lower eyelid surgery failures that may cause the eyes to remain partially closed. 

His repairs result in natural and aesthetically pleasing outcomes without visible scars.

Park Sang-hyun

Ryu Eon-sik, President of Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center

Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center is well-known for its expertise in eye plastic surgery, and Ryu Eon-sik is particularly renowned for lower eyelid repairs. He pays great attention to scar issues and strives for minimal scarring in repair procedures. 

Many patients have expressed their satisfaction with the surgery, as their previously dull eyes become vibrant and full of life after lower eyelid repair.

Ryu Eon-sik

Park Byung-ho, President of EH Plastic Surgery

Park Byung-ho is a representative and beloved doctor at EH Plastic Surgery in South Korea, specializing in double eyelid surgery and eye repair. During the consultation, he thoroughly assesses the patient's original eye condition. For failed eye plastic surgery cases, Park Byung-ho devises detailed restoration plans for each problematic area. 

By combining precise techniques with minimal trauma, he ensures that customers leave with naturally expressive and beautiful eyes. The high level of customer satisfaction speaks for itself.

Park Byung-ho

In conclusion, the top doctors for lower eyelid repair in South Korea include Seong Jin-mo, Park Sang-hyun, Ryu Eon-sik, and Park Byung-ho. Therefore, if you are looking for reputable hospitals, you may consider Cheongdam First Plastic Surgery, Semi Plastic Surgery, Jewelry Plastic Surgery Center, and EH Plastic Surgery.