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Who is Better at Eye Repair Techniques, Cui Zaiyuan or Cao Renchang? They Both Excel in Double Eyelid and Internal and External Eye Corner Repairs

2023-12-18 10:48:09

When it comes to doctors in South Korea with excellent double eyelid repair techniques, Chengzhenmo, Cao Renchang, and Cui Zaiyuan are all quite good. But do you know which one has better eye repair techniques between Cui Zaiyuan and Cao Renchang in South Korea? It is said that they both excel in double eyelid repair as well as internal and external eye corner repairs.

double eyelid repair

Who is better at eye repair techniques, Cui Zaiyuan or Cao Renchang? Let's find out together.

How is Cao Renchang's Eye Surgery at Bio Plastic Surgery? It is Said That His Double Eyelid Repair Technique is Excellent.

Cao Renchang from Bio Plastic Surgery is known for his excellent eye surgery techniques, including reliable double eyelid repair. He can also perform repairs for internal and external eye corners, as well as eye bag corrections. Many netizens believe that Cao Renchang is quite famous for his double eyelid repair. His technique is considered to be higher than that of Chengzhenmo, a doctor from South Korea, Shiromi from Japan, and Han Xun from China.

Being in the field for a long time, President Cao Renchang from Bio Plastic Surgery has dedicated his life to researching eye repairs. Not only is he skilled in his techniques, but he also has good aesthetic sense and can make repairs look very beautiful.

It can be understood that the price for Cao Renchang's double eyelid repair at Bio Plastic Surgery will not be cheap, generally around $13,800.

Let's appreciate some cases of Cao Renchang's double eyelid repair at Bio Plastic Surgery.

- Cases of Cao Renchang's internal eye corner repair.

internal eye corner repair

- Cases of Cao Renchang's narrowing of wide double eyelids repair.

narrowing of wide double eyelids repair

- Cases of Cao Renchang's external eye corner repair.

Cases of Cao Renchang's external eye corner repair

How is Cui Zaiyuan's Double Eyelid Repair at Pure Plastic Surgery?

President Cui Zaiyuan is one of the doctors in South Korea known for excellent double eyelid repair. He can also perform repairs for widening to narrowing, internal, and external eye corners, among other eye repair procedures.

President Cui Zaiyuan's postoperative results are consistent with the design, with short operation times and minimal bleeding, which he is skilled at. Based on information from several South Korean plastic surgery hospitals, President Cui Zaiyuan's technique for double eyelid repair is stable and aesthetically pleasing, resulting in satisfactory outcomes.

The price for double eyelid repair at Pure Plastic Surgery with President Cui Zaiyuan is not considered expensive, generally around $8,500.

Here are some cases of double eyelid repair at Pure Plastic Surgery with President Cui Zaiyuan.

double eyelid repair at Pure Plastic Surgery

Now you have a clear understanding of who is better at eye repair techniques between Cui Zaiyuan and Cao Renchang in South Korea. Although both are skilled doctors in South Korea for double eyelid and internal and external eye corner repairs, if you are not very concerned about the price, it is recommended to choose President Cao Renchang as the postoperative swelling subsides quickly. If you are looking for a doctor in South Korea who offers high cost-effectiveness for repairing failed double eyelids, Dr. Cui Zaiyuan is recommended.