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Laser Eye Surgery Price in Seoul

2023-09-13 10:42:24

Laser Eye Surgery Price in Seoul

Why is Korea so much more affordable in terms of vision correction?

Factors that Influence my Choice for Vision Correction

The procedure for vision correction is commonly performed all around the globe. It is possible to undergo this treatment in many different places, and the decision of where to go depends on a variety of factors. These factors include: location, quality of local clinics, skill of ophthalmologists, and budget. 
  • Quality of local clinics - In countries that provide exceptional medical services, the challenge lies in selecting an affordable clinic with a doctor you trust. 
  • Location - The country you are situated in plays a significant role in determining whether you choose to have the procedure there or not. If you come from a country where you have reservations about the quality of medical services or believe that better options are available abroad, traveling to another country becomes a viable option. It is quite common for individuals to fly to other cities or even countries in search of superior medical services. 
  • One of the most significant factors to consider when choosing a clinic to entrust with your eyes is the surgical history and expertise of the surgeon. By finding a doctor with a proven track record, you can rest assured. However, this task is easier said than done due to the prevalence of fake online reviews these days.
  • However, we have discovered that the most crucial aspect for people when selecting a clinic for vision correction is the price.

How does Korea compare to other countries

As vision correction technology becomes increasingly standardized, the level of equipment becomes less relevant, and the skill of the surgeon becomes more important. Typically, the surgeon's expertise, clinic facilities, cost of living, and average income determine the cost of a procedure in any given country, 
To compare the prices of vision correction, we must examine the costs of the three main laser eye surgeries: LASEK, LASIK, and SMILE, in various countries across the world. The countries we will compare are the USA, UK, Thailand, and South Korea.

What are the prices

The cost of LASEK, LASIK, and SMILE is exponentially higher in all developed countries on our list and even more expensive in countries considered to be more affordable, such as Thailand. 
When considering the fact that Korea possesses one of the most technologically advanced medical industries in the world, it is surprising that vision correction is significantly cheaper in Seoul. Additionally, considering that 80% of the Korean population has a university education, it seems almost impossible that prices are lower than those of all other developed countries, while still maintaining a world-class level of service and quality.

Why is Korea so inexpensive

So we must question why eye surgery is so affordable in Seoul. We briefly touched upon this in the previous paragraph. Korea is a highly developed and skilled country, and as a result, the city of Seoul is home to numerous eye clinics concentrated in a small area. This is advantageous for customers as it drives down prices and allows them to explore different clinics until they find one they prefer.

Another reason why Korea is an excellent choice for medical procedures, particularly vision correction, is the high number of procedures performed in the country each year. This enables the country to continually enhance its medical knowledge and skills. An example of this is the AI developed at the B&VIIT vision correction center, which utilizes data from over 500,000 previous corrective surgeries to make highly accurate assessments regarding the appropriate procedure for each individual. More information about this can be found here.