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Korea's common plastic surgery procedures

2023-09-13 19:55:43

Korea's common plastic surgery procedures

What are some of the most frequently studied and performed plastic surgeries?

Contemplating enhancement of your physical appearance? Or perhaps you have had a condition that you have been contemplating seeking support for and are prepared to take the leap? If so, have you delved into all the available options? While cosmetic surgery can be a fantastic choice, it is advantageous to have a clear idea of your desires and conduct thorough research.

So, what kind of procedure are you considering? If you are still uncertain, now may be an opportune moment to explore some commonly performed procedures. Here are a few popular ones to kickstart your exploration.


Rhinoplasty, more commonly known as a nose job, is utilized to reshape the nose. Many undergo rhinoplasty to alter the appearance of their nose, improve breathing, or both. The procedure involves modifying the upper bone, lower cartilage, and skin. Your physician should assist you in sculpting the perfect nose to meet your needs. On occasion, rhinoplasty may be covered by insurance.


Mammoplasty is a term often used to encompass procedures performed on the breasts. These include breast lifts, breast augmentation, and breast reduction. Three types of breast lifts are available, chosen based on the desired degree of lift and reduction of post-pregnancy or weight loss sagging skin. Breast augmentation, or implants, are employed to enhance breast size. Shin Medical's Instagram page features informative posts on the various types available. Breast reduction involves the removal of breast tissue and skin to reduce size. A lift may be conducted in conjunction with the other two procedures. Insurance coverage for these procedures is rare.

Chin Augmentation

Chin augmentation is another prevalent procedure that reshapes the jawline. It is sometimes referred to as square jaw reduction or V-shape surgery. This surgery may involve removing some jaw bone and reshaping it to yield a new facial structure. It is often performed alongside other procedures such as rhinoplasty to achieve a more proportionate appearance. Insurance typically does not cover this procedure.

Beyond major surgical techniques, cosmetic surgery can offer assistance and enhancement without a single incision, thanks to technological advancements in lasers! Laser skin resurfacing is a popular treatment that improves skin texture, color, stretch marks, and wrinkles. Say goodbye to acne scars!

Vision Correction

LASIK or SMILE eye corrective surgeries are additional common laser procedures aimed at rectifying vision problems. Once either of these procedures is completed (while fully awake, I recently authored an entire blog on SMILE), you will see the world with newfound clarity! A crystal-clear perspective.

In addition to laser procedures, you may also consider a chemical peel. Chemical peels are utilized to enhance skin surfaces (including hands and feet, though it may sound unpleasant, it is fascinating), improve the appearance of scars, stretch marks, and acne.


Other popular procedures that are gaining popularity involve dental treatments. Who wouldn't desire a straight, radiant smile? Veneers can enhance both the aesthetics and functionality of teeth. Teeth whitening, dental implants, and gum lifts are also commonly sought after.

There are numerous options available to enhance whatever aspect you are seeking to improve. It is mind-boggling that this only scratches the surface of what is out there! People often target other body parts such as hairlines, buttocks, and eyelids. As a reminder, it is crucial to locate a qualified and trusted practitioner to fulfill all your needs.

If you have any inquiries or would like a complimentary consultation, feel free to head over to our friends at Shin Medical. They will be delighted to assist you!