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Skincare supplements

2023-09-14 10:36:19

Skincare supplements

What I can consume to enhance the condition of my skin

In addition to its rich culture, delectable cuisine, picturesque shopping, and photogenic cafes, South Korea has gained a distinguished reputation in the beauty and healthcare industry. Continuously pushing boundaries, they discover new and innovative ingredients long before others. Among them, they have introduced substances such as egg whites, green tea, and snail mucus for topical treatments. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the supplements industry in South Korea is equally robust.

Personally, I prioritize consuming supplements rather than relying solely on topical products. Beauty, as they say, originates from within, and I wholeheartedly agree. My complexion remained consistently clear until my late twenties, but then cystic acne unexpectedly emerged. Moreover, I gained a staggering 30lbs (12kg) during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the past, I attempted numerous skincare regimens, but they provided little to no assistance, or worse, exacerbated my breakouts. Although I exercise regularly, I am now in my thirties, and my metabolism is not what it used to be.

Therefore, I delved into extensive online research and compiled a comprehensive list of supplements to help me achieve my goals. Once I commenced ingesting these supplements, I noticed a remarkable difference in my skin's appearance and my energy levels. My acne subsided, and my weight began to decrease once again.

Of course, each person has different aspirations for their skin and body. It is always advisable to consult with a physician before embarking on a new supplement or exercise regimen. Nevertheless, I thought it would be valuable to share some of my favorite supplements.

NOTE: My chosen supplements primarily focus on providing energy, managing weight, combating aging, strengthening and nourishing hair, as well as addressing acne. There are other supplements available for these purposes that I do not personally consume. I recommend discussing with your physician to determine the best combination for you.


Vitamin-C, an essential dietary staple (in addition to a multivitamin), should be incorporated into everyone's regimen. Fortunately, there is no need to fret about consuming excessive amounts (as the maximum safe limit is 2000mg per day), and many health benefits can be achieved with a mere 500mg daily dose.

What benefits does Vitamin-C offer? The list is quite extensive! However, for the context of our discussion surrounding health and skincare, allow me to highlight the following benefits specifically for your skin:
  • Aids in diminishing hyperpigmentation and dark spots (Source2)
  • Assists in reducing redness and evening out skin tone (Source1)
  • Contributes to the production of collagen, consequently combating wrinkles (Source3)
  • Shields against sun damage and pollution (Source4)
  • Facilitates expedited wound healing (Source5)

I could endlessly praise Vitamin-C as a pivotal component of my skincare routine. If you have not already done so, I highly recommend incorporating it into your daily regimen!

Personally, my preferred option is the Korea Eundan Vitamin C 1000. It is readily available at beauty stores and often offered at discounted prices, typically around 10k won.

B-Vitamin Complex

You have likely heard countless times before about the essentiality of B-vitamins for our bodies, each playing a distinct role. If you follow the world of K-beauty closely, you may already be aware of the prominence of niacinamide in various serums, face masks, and other products. However, niacinamide, niacin, and nicotinamide are simply different terms for B-3. Additionally, Biotin (B-7) greatly contributes to hair, nail, and skin health.

Here are some of the benefits associated with these B-vitamins:
  • Improved strength and vitality of hair, skin, and nails
  • Efficiently combats acne
  • Promotes an overall blemish-free complexion

You may opt for a B-vitamin supplement that encompasses all the essential elements or select the specific vitamins you require. Personally, I often choose NOW foods Biotin or Niacin.

Green-Tea Extract

I greatly appreciate a multi-purpose supplement, such as Green-Tea extract. The recommended daily dosage range is between 250-500 mg, preferably taken with a meal. Aside from aiding in weight loss, Green-Tea extract also offers remarkable benefits for the skin. One may consume it through a delightful beverage or as a convenient supplement for easy ingestion. Notable benefits include:
  • Rich in catechins and caffeine, which regulate hormones and enhance thermogenesis, contributing to weight loss efforts (Source3)
  • Reduces sebum production, consequently minimizing breakouts
  • Delays skin aging while addressing acne-related concerns
  • Alleviates oxidative stress (Source2)
  • May serve as a preventative measure against certain skin cancers (source1)

It is prudent to note that Green-Tea extract pills contain caffeine. Therefore, if you are sensitive to caffeine, you may consider an alternative supplement or ensure you consume them alongside breakfast. Personally, I take Vital Beautie Meta-Green Slim Tablets.


Conjugated linoleic acid (CLAs) are fatty acids commonly found in meat and dairy products. Although this is one of the most widely popular supplements globally, it is for good reason. I commenced taking this supplement many years ago under the recommendation of a nutritionist and trainer. Noteworthy benefits include:
Increased fat burning and stimulation of fat breakdown
Reduction in fat accumulation while preserving muscle mass (Source6)
Regulation of blood sugar levels
Strengthening of the immune system

CLAs have been an integral part of my supplement routine for a significant duration, and I was pleased to discover an affordable option here in Korea. I utilize Wellers CLA.

These are some of my preferred supplements that have remarkably enhanced both my skin and overall health. I also consume collagen supplements, albeit I must order those from overseas as I am unable to find the desired dosage or unflavored powders here in Korea. I would greatly appreciate your insights regarding the supplements you currently use or any particular ones, such as chitosan, that you are interested in and would like to acquire more information about.