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Side Effects of Breast Implants-Breast Augmentation&Breast Implants

2023-10-07 17:44:33

Breast augmentation refers to breast enhancement surgery that’s meant to improve the breast’s fullness, shape, and contours.Breast augmentation and breast implants are breast augmentation procedures. 

Side Effects of Breast Implants

What is the side effects of breast implants? Which is right for you? let's go for the answer.

What is the Difference Between Breast Augmentation and Implants?

Breast augmentation and breast implant surgery are two names for what is essentially the same procedure.These cosmetic surgeries involve placing silicone or saline implants into the breast in order to enhance size, shape and volume.

Breast implants include saline implants and silicone implants.

Breast implant surgery can cost as much as $15,000, and silicone implants are around $2,000 more expensive than saline. 

You also have to consider the cost of follow-up MRIs, which are recommended every few years to make sure silicone is not leaking into the body.

Difference Between Breast Augmentation and Implants

Side Effects of Breast Implants

Breast augmentation poses various risks, including:

1. Implant complications, such as breast pain and changes in nipple and breast sensation

2. Capsular contracture, scar tissue (capsule) that forms around the implant and squeezes the implant

3. Scar tissue that distorts the shape of the breast implant (capsular contracture)

4. Infection

5. Implant position changes

6. Implant leakage or rupture

sagging breasts

How Long does Breast Augmentation Last?

In the past, plastic surgeons advised clients to modify or update their implants every 10 years, but this is no longer the case.

Breast implants now use better and safer materials, last longer and last longer than those previously produced.

Today’s breast implants last on average anywhere between 10 to 20 years, with some people having their implants beyond 20 years.

But can breast implants last 40 years? The answer is no. 

How Long does Breast Augmentation Last

What Age is Best for Breast Augmentation?

Healthy patients who are at least 18 years old may opt for saline implants, but they are not eligible for silicone until they turn 22.

Does Your Life Change after Breast Implants?

If you think you have smaller breasts, or one is smaller than the other, which affects the way you dress, or which type of bra you need to wear to address the asymmetry, then it can enhance your appearance.

1. Adjust for a reduction in the size of your breasts after pregnancy or significant weight loss

2. Correct uneven breasts after breast surgery for other conditions

3. Improve your self-confidence

4. Personality change after breast implants. Feel more confident about your body after breast augmentation

Breast Implant