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Is Revision Rhinoplasty More Expensive? Yes,Share the Cost & Risky

2023-10-23 18:05:23

Revision rhinoplasty, also called secondary rhinoplasty, is basically a do-over for rhinoplasty. It occurs when problems arise from previous nasal surgery. This occurs when there are problems with previous nasal surgery. These problems can be functional, including breathing problems, or cosmetic, which occur when the patient is not satisfied with the results of the surgery.

Some second rhinoplasty surgeries require only minor adjustments or improvements, while others are very complex.

Revision rhinoplasty

Is Revision Rhinoplasty More Expensive?

Revision rhinoplasty surgery tends to be more expensive compared to initial rhinoplasty surgery because it is much more complex and difficult.

Revision rhinoplasty costs from $15000.

Any surgery can lead to the formation of scar tissue, and rhinoplasty is no exception. This means that the surgeon performing the revision surgery must deal with the buildup of scar tissue.

Additionally, there will be less structure remaining because the original structure of the nose has been worked on. You may need to graft cartilage from the septum. But in many cases, too much cartilage has been removed from your nose, so the surgeon will need to take cartilage from your ears or ribs in order to properly reshape and sculpt the nose.

And a revision rhinoplasty will take longer than the original surgery, and the longer the surgery, the higher the surgeon's fee usually is. In addition, more anesthesia medication is required because the patient is on the operating table for a longer period of time. Therefore the cost of anesthesia will also be higher.

Bsides, Nasal restoration surgery requires a high level of doctor's skill, the doctor who can do nasal restoration surgery will definitely do the initial nasal surgery; however, the doctor who can do the initial nasal surgery may not necessarily do the nasal restoration surgery.

Is revision rhinoplasty more expensive

Why do So Many People Get Revision Rhinoplasty?

Some patients feel that the results of their surgery look too unnatural and that their new nose does not harmonize with the rest of their facial features.  Some may experience worsening asymmetry, while others may develop new bumps and deviations during the healing process.

They are seeking rhinoplasty revision surgery for better cosmetic results.

On the other hand, there are also patients who wish to undergo restorative surgery for functional reasons.  After their initial rhinoplasty, they may find themselves suffering from nasal obstruction, collapsed cartilage, or oversized scars.

Outdated techniques, lack of experience, and complications during the procedure by some doctors may affect the results of rhinoplasty. This is the reason why customers want a second rhinoplasty.

rhinoplasty before and after

How Long is Too Long For a Revision Nose Job?

Initial rhinoplasty swelling may take six weeks or more to subside, and residual swelling can take up to a year or more. Some are going to like their new nose after it has fully healed. 

For this reason, doctors may recommend that patients wait at least 12 months before considering a second rhinoplasty.

How Many Times Can You Have Revision Rhinoplasty?

There is no set number of revision rhinoplasty procedures a person can have. However, there is a limit to the number of times you can have it done effectively.

 Each additional rhinoplasty brings additional complications. Once there are too many complications, the risks increase. Then, the ability to change the appearance diminishes. For this reason, it is important to choose the right surgeon for any revision surgery.

revision rhinoplasty times