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How Much does FFS Cost?

2023-10-25 16:56:42

Attention clients who want to undergo facial feminization surgery, this article will explain How much does FFS cost as well as, FFS recovery time, how long does FFS last, and so on.

Facial feminization surgery

What is Facial Feminization Surgery?

Facial feminization surgery is a surgical procedure that is performed to make men look more feminine. This procedure has become popular and sought after by many, making it one of the more popular cosmetic surgeries today. FFS uses bone, cartilage and soft tissue reshaping to soften your facial features. People commonly seek FFS to enhance their nose, jaw, forehead and hairline.

What is Facial Feminization Surgery

How Much does FFS Cost?

The number and duration of procedures you need or want will affect the average price of facial feminization surgery. Roughly speaking, facial feminization procedures can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $100,000 USD.

Some of the surgical procedures and cost that may be performed for facial feminization surgery are:

●Forehead Reduction (Frontal Bossing Plasty): $9000-11,000

●Rhinoplasty: $7000

●Cheek Implants: $7000

●Lip Lift: $2200

●Chin Recontouring: $4800

●Jaw Recontouring: $5000

●Tracheal Shave: $4700

●Blepharoplasty (eyelids): $3000-$6000

●Bichat Fat Pad Resection: $4600

●Mandibular Angle Resection: $5000

●Breast Augmentation: $8000

It is important to note that each person's physical condition and the specific desired results of the procedure are different, and therefore, the cost of the same procedure can vary greatly.

How Much does FFS Cost?

How Long does FFS Last?

Your FFS results should last the rest of your life. Injectable treatments are the only exception. If you choose to plump up certain features with dermal fillers, you’ll need retreatment at some point. Some fillers last a few months while others can last up to five years.

What is the Average FFS Recovery Time?

Your healthcare provider will remove the stitches about a week after your surgery, or you may be sewn with absorbable stitches that do not need to be removed. After the stitches are removed, it will take a few more weeks to fully heal and achieve the desired results.

Recovery from facial feminization surgery varies from person to person and depends on several factors, including the procedure you choose, your health history, and your body's ability to heal.

While the majority of healing occurs in the two to six weeks following surgery (such as reducing bruising and swelling), your body will need to continue to recover over the next few months. For most people, it takes about a year to see full results.

FFS Recovery Time