Home > news > Is OPERA Plastic Surgery's Zygomatic Arch Forwarding Procedure Effective? Check Out Real-life Testimonials from Jin Xihan's Procedure to Prevent Sagging

Is OPERA Plastic Surgery's Zygomatic Arch Forwarding Procedure Effective? Check Out Real-life Testimonials from Jin Xihan's Procedure to Prevent Sagging

2023-11-15 17:12:34

OPERA Plastic Surgery is ranked among the top ten contour plastic surgery hospitals in South Korea. Recently, many individuals seeking beauty advice have been inquiring about the effectiveness of OPERA Plastic Surgery's zygomatic arch forwarding procedure. 

This article presents detailed information about this procedure based on the feedback from real-life examples, such as Jin Xihan, who confirms its effectiveness. The technique is excellent, and the price is reasonable. Let's delve into the details.

Is OPERA Plastic Surgery's Zygomatic Arch Forwarding Procedure Effective?

The real-life examples of zygomatic arch procedures performed by Jin Xihan, in particular, prove its ability to prevent sagging. This procedure at OPERA Plastic Surgery comes with several advantages:

1. OPERA Plastic Surgery possesses numerous examples of zygomatic arch procedures as reference material.

2. The surgery employs a specialized technique called 3D zygomatic arch rotation within the hospital.

3. Jin Xihan himself performs the surgeries at OPERA Plastic Surgery.

4. OPERA Plastic Surgery has two dedicated pain management doctors who ensure comprehensive supervision, from precise pre-anesthetic examinations to the entire surgical and recovery processes of zygomatic arch forwarding procedures, giving patients peace of mind.

Let's Take a Look at the Real-life Examples of Zygomatic Arch Procedures Performed at OPERA Plastic Surgery, Featuring Jin Xihan. 

real-life examples of zygomatic arch procedures

One satisfied patient shared their review: "The zygomatic arch forwarding procedure at OPERA Plastic Surgery is excellent. I had a three-piece contour procedure performed quite some time ago. I distinctly remember being amazed by my reflection in the mirror two weeks after the surgery. The previously prominent zygomatic arch and the lack of facial harmony were gone."

Concerns about sagging after zygomatic arch forwarding procedures are common. However, I chose Jin Xihan at OPERA Plastic Surgery for my zygomatic arch procedure, which effectively prevented sagging. After the surgery, there were no signs of facial sagging. I am extremely satisfied with the zygomatic arch forwarding procedure performed at OPERA Plastic Surgery. The feedback from patients confirms that opting for Jin Xihan at OPERA Plastic Surgery for zygomatic arch procedures effectively prevents sagging and is truly remarkable.

Let's Highlight the Key Features of the Zygomatic Arch forwarding Procedure at OPERA Plastic Surgery, also Known as the 3D Zygomatic Arch Rotation Procedure:

(Note: The following steps describe the surgical process of the 3D zygomatic arch rotation procedure: appropriate segmental osteotomy of the zygomatic arch to prevent non-union; the creation of a three-dimensional zygomatic bone that complements the facial proportions; fixation at both ends to prevent sagging.)

OPERA Plastic Surgery's 3D rotation procedure involves inward rotation and movement of the zygomatic arch, shrinking both the zygomatic arch and bone structure, while fixing both ends to prevent sagging. This results in a stable bone structure, creating a natural three-dimensional facial shape. Additionally, it creates a harmonious and smooth facial contour from the forehead to the chin and a naturally slender face after zygomatic arch reshaping.

OPERA Plastic Surgery's 3D rotation procedure

Let's Introduce Jin Xihan, the Head Surgeon at OPERA Plastic Surgery

Renowned for his expertise in contour plastic surgery, Jin Xihan specializes in zygomatic arch forwarding procedures and is well-known in South Korea for his work. He minimizes dissection during zygomatic arch plastic surgery and, through the use of the 3D zygomatic arch rotation technique, is able to reduce the size of the zygomatic arch and push it inward. The feedback from patients after undergoing Jin Xihan's zygomatic arch procedures confirms their ability to prevent sagging while looking natural.

The price of the zygomatic arch plastic surgery at OPERA Plastic Surgery starts at $5,700

 We have gathered this information for you. OPERA Plastic Surgery is highly recommended for zygomatic arch forwarding procedures, considering Jin Xihan's real-life examples that prove its ability to prevent sagging while maintaining a natural appearance. Moreover, the procedure is reasonably priced, starting at $5,700.