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How is HEAR Plastic Surgery for Rhinoplasty? Li Bingwen's 3D Nose Composite Offers the Advantage of a Natural Nose Shape

2023-11-20 11:29:37

Many people are unaware of how HEAR Plastic Surgery performs rhinoplasty. Let's take a look at the advantages of Li Bingwen's 3D nose composite technique, as sorted by our editor.


Is HEAR Plastic Surgery Good for Rhinoplasty?

HEAR Plastic Surgery is a reputable medical institution specializing in rhinoplasty, offering services such as initial nose correction, correction of deviated nose shape, and complex nasal corrective surgeries. The hospital provides state-of-the-art facilities, including a sterile operating room, an anesthesia room, 3D-CT nose reshaping technology, and the expertise of Director Li Bingwen, who has over 10 years of clinical experience.

HEAR Plastic Surgery

1. HEAR Plastic Surgery performs rhinoplasty in a dedicated sterile operating room, following standardized procedures, ensuring the entire surgery is conducted in a clean and sterile environment to minimize postoperative infections.

2. HEAR Plastic Surgery adopts personalized 1:1 customized 3D nose composite technology for rhinoplasty, allowing patients to preview the outcome in advance and enabling more precise nose enhancement.

3. It is known that Director Li Bingwen of HEAR Plastic Surgery is a Ph.D. graduate from Chang Gung University, highly skilled in nasal surgeries, particularly renowned for his expertise in complex nasal reconstruction.

Director Li Bingwen of HEAR Plastic Surgery

From these points, it is evident that HEAR Plastic Surgery performs rhinoplasty well. However, it is crucial to understand the advantages of HEAR Plastic Surgery's 3D nose composite procedure.

Advantages of Li Bingwen's 3D Nose Composite Technique at HEAR Plastic Surgery

1. Director Li Bingwen's 3D nose composite surgery allows for the measurement of the ideal length, angle, and height of the nose, creating a customized nasal reshaping procedure. Preoperative examinations can determine the curvature of the nasal bones from the front and side angles, as well as the thickness, size, and shape of the nasal septal cartilage.

3D nose composite surgery

2. HEAR Plastic Surgery's 3D rhinoplasty surgery, performed under visualization, involves tissue dissection that reduces damage to the nasal tissues. This results in less postoperative swelling and facilitates faster recovery.

3. Director Li Bingwen's 3D rhinoplasty is not solely focused on augmenting the nasal bridge but aims to achieve three effects: a straight, elegant, and rounded nose. After the 3D nasal augmentation surgery, the lines from the forehead to the nasal bridge and from the nasal tip to the lips and chin become seamless and natural.


4. Represented by Director Li Bingwen, HEAR Plastic Surgery can design surgical plans based on the individual's temperament, personality, and other characteristics. The precision in sculpting the nasal tip is particularly impressive, resulting in high patient satisfaction post-surgery.

Example of Li Bingwen's 3D Rhinoplasty Procedure

Example of Li Bingwen's 3D Rhinoplasty Procedure

In the example of Li Bingwen's 3D nose composite surgery, the postoperative result shows a well-adjusted nasal bridge curve, nasal line trajectory, nostril width, nasal tip height, and a prominent appearance.

nose job

Prior to the surgery, the overall lines of the nose and forehead were not smooth, resulting in an artificial-looking nose. After undergoing Li Bingwen's 3D nose composite surgery, the transitions from the nasal bridge's curve to the nasal contour and angles are seamless.

nose job beore&after

After reviewing the above examples of Li Bingwen's 3D nose composite procedure, it is clear how HEAR Plastic Surgery performs rhinoplasty and the advantage of Li Bingwen's 3D nose composite technique in achieving a natural nose shape with minimal damage.