Home > news > Ranking of Good Hospitals for Mandibular Angle Repair in South Korea: Wonjin/ID/OPERA Plastic Surgery Excels in Correcting Mandibular Asymmetry

Ranking of Good Hospitals for Mandibular Angle Repair in South Korea: Wonjin/ID/OPERA Plastic Surgery Excels in Correcting Mandibular Asymmetry

2023-11-21 10:31:50

Let me provide you with the ranking of good hospitals for mandibular angle repair in South Korea. As I understand, there are many hospitals in South Korea that are capable of performing mandibular angle repair, such as Wonjin Plastic Surgery, ID Plastic Surgery, OPERA Plastic Surgery, Faceline Plastic Surgery, and TS Plastic Surgery, each with their own unique features.

Mandibular Angle Repair

Faceline Plastic Surgery is Well-known for Facial Contouring.

Faceline Plastic Surgery is well-known for facial contouring and double eyelid surgery, especially with its director, Lee Jin-soo. 

When it comes to facial contouring surgery in South Korea, most people would think of Faceline Plastic Surgery for consultation. In terms of mandibular angle repair, Faceline Plastic Surgery is particularly skilled in correcting mandibular asymmetry. 

Director Lee Jin-soo would design a new plan based on the existing mandibular bone, and then perform mandibular angle surgery with a gentle curve to achieve a symmetrical contour and a smaller-looking face from the front.

Faceline Plastic Surgery is well-known for facial contouring

Wonjin Plastic Surgery is also a Well-known Comprehensive Plastic Surgery Hospital. 

It is particularly renowned for procedures such as eyelid, nose, and facial contouring surgery, and has a high customer satisfaction rate in South Korea. In terms of mandibular angle repair, Wonjin Plastic Surgery focuses on improving asymmetry. The surgery considers the thickness of the bone while minimizing damage to nerves and blood vessels. Adequate bone removal is performed to achieve symmetrical results.

Wonjin Plastic Surgery

ID Plastic Surgery is Highly Popular in the Plastic Surgery Community. 

Besides Wonjin Plastic Surgery, ID Plastic Surgery is often recommended for facial contouring surgery in South Korea. Director Park Sang-hoon is well-known internationally. ID Plastic Surgery has ample experience in mandibular angle repair. 

The doctors are attentive to details, and they extensively plan the procedures before performing the repair. The scars from the surgery are naturally concealed, making it difficult to detect any signs of secondary repair. The post-surgery mandibular angles are symmetrical and the contours appear natural.

OPERA Plastic Surgery is Good at Mandibular Angle Repair Surgeries.

OPERA Plastic Surgery has gained popularity in recent years as a comprehensive plastic surgery hospital, excelling not only in facelifts but also in facial contouring surgery. 

The hospital's doctors have excellent practical skills, and their experience is extensive. OPERA Plastic Surgery offers two types of mandibular angle repair surgeries. One involves redesigning the face to correct asymmetry, while the other repairs a mandibular angle that has been excessively cut by using artificial bone grafts. This surgery allows for a relatively quick recovery, and the result feels natural because of the high affinity between the artificial bone and the patient's own bone. The cost of the surgery is also reasonable, starting at approximately $6,600.

OPERA Plastic Surgery

TS Plastic Surgery has a Good Reputation and Scale in Korea, Focusing on Facial Contouring and Eye Surgeries. 

Given that facial contouring is their specialty, the quality of their techniques is unquestionable. The hospital used to have Dr. Kim Tae-hyun working there, granting them extensive experience. TS Plastic Surgery is currently an available option for mandibular angle repair surgery. The doctors first take X-rays, skull images, and CT scans to assess the condition of the mandibular bone and whether there is room for surgery. They only proceed with the surgery if there is potential for improvement, and they prioritize the well-being of their customers.

1% Plastic Surgery is Known for its Facial Contouring Surgeries.

1% Plastic Surgery is among the popular facial contouring hospitals in recent years. 

The hospital's maxillofacial surgeons have abundant experience and have received numerous awards. This hospital is also a good option for mandibular angle grinding or repair. For mandibular angle repair surgery, 1% Plastic Surgery tends to be more conservative and emphasizes symmetry. 

Before the surgery, they conduct various assessments, including X-rays, skull images, and CT scans, to confirm the location of the mandibular bone relative to the nerve lines. The director is meticulous, and the post-surgery face appears natural.

1% Plastic Surgery

These are the detailed rankings of good hospitals for mandibular angle repair surgery in South Korea as far as I know. These hospitals have excellent techniques in correcting mandibular asymmetry and each offers unique advantages. If you plan to have mandibular angle repair surgery, it is recommended to visit these hospitals for consultations. Additionally, H Plastic Surgery is also known for its good performance in mandibular angle bone grafting and repair surgery, positioning it among the top hospitals for mandibular angle repair in South Korea.