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Guide to Breast Augmentation in Korea, about Everything You Need to Know

2023-12-14 15:51:05

If you are considering going to South Korea for breast augmentation, you might want to take a look at our introduction to breast augmentation surgery in South Korea. We provide information about whether you are a suitable candidate for breast augmentation, different types of breast implants available, and how to choose the right breast implants. If you have any other questions regarding breast augmentation in South Korea, please feel free to contact us!

breast augmentation

I. Guide to Introduction to Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, also known as the reconstruction of the breast, is a cosmetic surgery that aims to enhance the size and shape of a woman's breasts. For many years, the female breast has been seen as a symbol of femininity, and so it is often desired to improve its aesthetic appearance. The ideal size and shape of the breast can vary depending on a person's individual physique. Some women may have smaller than average breasts, often referred to as being "flat-chested," which can lead to feelings of disappointment or dissatisfaction. In order to correct this, breast augmentation surgery is often sought. 

This procedure involves using medical devices such as breast implants to enlarge the chest and create a more proportionate figure. Breast augmentation has been a widely performed cosmetic surgery since the 1960s and has been proven to be both clinically safe and effective. Numerous studies and research have shown that it can bring volume and fullness to those who were previously flat-chested. By carefully assessing each individual case and utilizing appropriate surgical techniques, breast augmentation has the potential to greatly improve body image and produce positive outcomes.

II. Guide to Breast Augmentation in Korea-Are You a Good Candidate?

Seoul Guide Medical recommends breast augmentation surgery to individuals who meet the following criteria:

- Desire to enhance small breasts

- Concerns about asymmetrical or uneven breast size

- Experience physical changes due to weight loss or breastfeeding

- Seeking increased breast volume

- Realistic expectations regarding surgery outcomes

It is important to note that breast surgery may not solely address sagging breasts caused by weight loss or pregnancy. Additional breast lifting procedures may be required in some cases. It is crucial to maintain realistic expectations for the surgery, as the surgeon may make decisions regarding implant size, placement, or type that differ from your initial choices. However, rest assured that these decisions are based on careful consideration of your body type.

Are You a Good Candidate?

III. Guide to Choosing the Right Breast Implants

With numerous breast implants on the market, made from different materials, it is crucial to be cautious of the durability and quality. That's why we exclusively offer top-tier, high-quality implants that are proven to be reliable.

Our esteemed doctors will use implant simulation to select the perfect implant design for you. Our board-certified plastic surgeons will help you make informed decisions based on what suits you best and enhances your appearance. Currently, silicone gel implants are the leading choice in the global market due to their continuous development and functional improvements. 

IV. Types of Breast Augmentation Implants

There is a wide range of breast implants available in the market, offering various sizes, shapes, and textures. The key to a successful breast augmentation lies in selecting the right implant. While saline implants are an option, most plastic surgeons recommend medical-grade silicone gel implants due to their durability.

The ideal breast implant size should be suitable for your body, taking into account factors such as weight, skin thickness, body shape, and personal desires. For example, for thinner patients, getting 300 cc implants may not look ideal. We prioritize implants that provide a natural and realistic look that aligns with your daily activities. Long-term satisfaction is our goal, and achieving the size that suits you best is essential.

Types of Breast Augmentation Implants

Different types of silicone breast implants come in various shapes and surface textures:

1. Shape: This is suitable for individuals with sufficient lower breast tissue but require more volume in the upper half of their chest. It creates a fuller and curvier appearance, enhancing the cleavage. The shape remains consistent whether standing or lying down, although the filler material may spread outwards when lying down. Anatomically shaped implants are ideal for women with less breast tissue as they provide a gently sloping curve towards the nipple, resembling the natural breast shape.

2. Surface: These implants have a softer feel and rounder shape, similar to natural breast tissue. They allow for more freedom of movement during physical activities. Most patients prefer this type of implant for its natural appearance. Textured implants, which adhere to the breast tissue, were primarily introduced to maintain breast implant position once filled. They also tend to have a lower incidence of capsular contracture. Most textured implants are round or teardrop-shaped, ensuring optimal adherence to the breast tissue due to their surface design.

V. Guide to Breast Augmentation in Korea: Everything You Need to Know

The Surgical Process:

Before undergoing breast surgery, a thorough assessment will be conducted to determine the appropriate procedure for each patient. With expert surgeons and trained staff, all surgeries will be performed safely. Our top priority is your safety and satisfaction throughout the entire process.

VII. FAQs about Guide to Breast Augmentation in Korea

Question: When can I return to my regular daily routine after surgery?

Answer: Typically, you can resume your normal activities after one week, but this may vary depending on the nature of your routine. If your daily tasks involve desk work or office-related activities, one week of recovery time should be sufficient. However, if your routine involves more strenuous activities like walking or traveling, you may require a longer recovery period. It is advisable to consult with your physician before being discharged to determine the best course of action for your specific situation.

Guide to Breast Augmentation in Korea

Question: Will there be any side effects following breast surgery?

Answer: Like any major surgical procedure, there are inherent risks involved. Your doctor will thoroughly discuss these risks and necessary precautions prior to your breast surgery. Breast surgeries in Korea are generally safe procedures with minimal side effects. Some potential side effects after breast surgery include bruising, swelling, and pain. Another known complication is capsular contracture, where the formation of firmness occurs around the breast implant. Postoperative massage can help reduce the risk of capsular contracture. Our surgeons at Seoul Guide Medical are experts in minimizing these side effects.

Question: When can I start wearing a bra after breast surgery?

Answer: There are no specific guidelines regarding the immediate use of a bra after breast surgery. However, it is important to note that wearing a bra incorrectly right after a boob job can lead to unnecessary constriction and a distorted breast shape. Therefore, we recommend waiting for at least a month before wearing a regular bra. Instead, you can opt for a fixable bra after 14 days post-surgery. Additionally, the use of nipple pads or tapes has become a recent trend and can also be considered at a later stage.