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How Long Does a Tummy Tuck Take, Book a Tummy Tuck

2023-08-25 16:47:58


A tummy tuck is a popular procedure both women and men can undergo to improve the appearance of their tummy. The procedure primarily tucks your tummy under and makes it look slimmer, getting rid of excess weight.

Candidates who qualify for a tummy tuck usually have loose skin, excess fat and feel unhappy about their appearance. These types of tummy problems can occur due to pregnancy, weight loss, genetics, previous surgery, or simply ageing. If you are looking for some valid reasons to get a tummy tuck, you can find some reasons why you should get a tummy tuck to help you decide.

Patients who have had the procedure report feeling more comfortable and confident after their tummy tuck, it can be life-changing. Many opt for tummy tucks in Turkey, as they want an affordable option with highly regarded surgeons.

How Long Does a Tummy Tuck Take?

For those wondering, how long does a tummy tuck take, the procedure can take from 3-4 hours, including the time you need to rest straight after the operation and prepare to go home. You will actually be in the operating theatre for around 2-3 hours.

Of course, you will also need to take some time to heal, this will usually take about 3-6 months and during this time you won’t be able to exercise or eat certain foods.

What Happens in a Tummy Tuck?

 Before booking your tummy tuck operation, it’s natural to wonder what happens in a tummy tuck procedure? During this stomach flattening procedure you can expect your tummy muscles to be tightened in order to flatter your stomach and make it firmer.

During the tummy tuck excess, skin and fat will be removed and your fascia will be tightened. You will find stretch marks and excess skin below your belly to have vanished after your tummy tuck.

How Much Does a Tummy Tuck Cost?

 When you are researching to find out ‘how much does a tummy tuck cost?’, you will find different prices for different countries. Some prefer to travel abroad to locations in Turkey to get the most affordable tummy tuck performed by well-reviewed and reliable surgeons.

Many wonder how much is a tummy tuck for those UK based? The price varies from £4,500 – to £6,000 in the UK and is much more expensive than tummy tucks in Turkey that cost under £2,000. Although you will need to consider travel costs as well, some choose to make a holiday out of their visit.

Should I Go Ahead With a Tummy Tuck?

When it comes to booking in your tummy tucks and deciding whether it’s the right decision for you, it will be a completely personal decision. Nobody can make the decision for you, but if it’s something you have wanted to do for a while, you can contact us to discuss any questions you might have.

We are known for our world-class medical facilities and modern clinic, along with expert aftercare procedures post-surgery. All our prices include travel and accommodation, which is something you won’t get elsewhere.