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Rhinoplasty Recovery: 6 Things You MUST Avoid

2023-08-25 16:48:00

RhinoplastyRecovery-ss.jpgRhinoplasty recovery is very critical for the final results. During the period of recovery, every mistake you make counts. Therefore, we have compiled all the essential do’s and don’ts to guide you through your rhinoplasty recovery.

What To Expect During Rhinoplasty Recovery

Rhinoplasty recovery isn’t a steady series of events. As time progresses initial symptoms fade, and the process overall gets easier. But it’s always better to learn the rhinoplasty recovery timeline before surgery. This way you can make sure that your lifestyle doesn’t class with the recovery routine.

Week 1 Of Rhinoplasty Recovery

During the first week after rhinoplasty, you’ll find that there’s some bruising and swelling around the nose. It is also natural that there be minor bleeding and fluid secretion. All these symptoms are normal during rhinoplasty recovery.

But by the end of the week, your doctor will remove your splints. Whereas the bruising and swelling will also diminish during this period of your rhinoplasty recovery.

If you feel well, it’s safe to resume your daily activities, if they don’t involve strenuous effort.

Third and Fourth Week Of Rhinoplasty Recovery

The second week will not hold any major changes. But starting with your third week up to your fourth you’ll feel a lot more able physically. In fact, you may engage in light exercise and swimming.

After 1.5 Months

At this stage of your rhinoplasty recovery, your bones will have healed and your nose will take on a stable shape. In other words, you may resume stenosis exercise after this point of your rhinoplasty recovery. You may also blow your nose and rest glasses on your nose.

3 To 6 Months Through Rhinoplasty Recovery

It’s typically to feel some numbness around your nose after a Rhinoplasty and during rhinoplasty recovery. But during this time limit, it should resolve on its won. In short, you should expect to restore all normal sensations in this period.

12 Months Through Rhinoplasty Recovery

Voila! 12 months marks the end of your rhinoplasty recovery. While through the first months and a half you will be able to return to all your normal activities, your nose continues to heal and grasp shape. But after 12 months all the swelling ends and you get your final result.

6 Things To Avoid During Rhinoplasty Recovery

1- Ignoring Hygiene & Aftercare Instructions

After your doctor discharges, you’ll have all the instructions and prescriptions you need to use. You need to do what your doctor tells you. From cleaning the wound to taking your antibiotics. Infections are very serious. But if you follow what your surgeon tells you, there should be no problems. Another thing you shouldn’t do is get your information online. Only visit your surgeon for any inquiries.

2- Missing Your Follow-Up Appointments

Your surgeon will move your splints and dressings in every session. Hence these appointments should be a priority for you because they’re essential for your recovery. Make sure you cooperate with your doctor throughout recovery.

3- Improper Sleeping Position

You need to make sure you’re sleeping at an elevated angle for at least 1 month. This helps you get rid of swelling around your nose and speeds your rhinoplasty recovery. Likewise, improper sleeping angles can inflict pressure on your nose and displace it.

If you move around a lot in your sleep use travel pillows. Some people use recliner chairs for better positioning at night. Others like to stack on pillows. Find the method that is most comfortable for you.

4- Drinking Alcohol And Smoking

Both smoking and alcohol are red flags in a rhinoplasty recovery. Or any recovery for that matter. Tobacco and alcohol both contain substances that repress the immune system. In other words, they slow down recovery and hearing abilities. With these two, your wounds close at a much slower pace. And in other news, both hold you at a higher risk for complications and infection.

It is safer to quit both before surgery by a week and after surgery for 10 days. Always consult your doctor before you resume smoking or drinking.

5- Direct Application Of Cold Compressors

Ice packs are very helpful for any recovery or wounds that have swelling. But applying directly to your nose before the bones have stabilized is a big risk. It can displace your nose. Also, it might wet your dressings and generally increases your risk of infection.

Your nose is very tender during this time period. Any pressure you apply can result in disasters result. For a rhinoplasty recovery that’s free of any complications.

6- Blowing Your Nose

Blowing your nose is a mother thing to stay away from for a safe rhinoplasty recovery. Make sure you do not squeeze your nose or rub it hard. All this creates exogenous forces that can ruin the shape of your nose. This includes sneezing. It is best to sneeze through might right up to the first month and a half. It is then safe to sneeze through your nose and blow it.

In Summary

There are 6 common mistakes that many people make during rhinoplasty recovery. In most cases, these 6 mistakes are capable of ruining your results. So make sure you avoid them. Likewise, keep in touch with your surgeon during your rhinoplasty recovery. If you feel unwell or have any inquires, make sure you get your information from your medical team.

Rest well and eat a balanced diet to boost your body’s immune system and healing rates.